Extra Curriculars
Welcome Students and Families!
We offer a wide variety of co-curricular and enrichment opportunities for students. Activities are both seasonal and ongoing throughout the school year. Seasonal athletics typically run after school Monday through Friday for about eight weeks. Ongoing activities usually meet once a week for several weeks, months or throughout the school year.
We encourage every student to register for at least one co-curricular activity. Co-curricular activities are a great way to explore something new, improve upon talents you already have and make new friends.
If you have questions regarding registration, contact mmw.activities@minnetonkaschools.org.
If you need specific information about an activity listed below, click on the activity name and contact the advisor listed on the information document (Google Docs).
So, get involved and have a great school year!
Brennan Dickinsen
MMW Activities Coordinator
Students participating in team sports must provide physician signed MSHSL Physical Form prior to their registration.
how to register
All students who participate in any co-curricular activity will need to:
- Find a sport, activity or a few activities that interests you.
- Pay the one-time-per-year Participation Fee of $50. This is in addition to the Activity Fee, which varies for different activities.
- All student athlete participants must have a ‘sports qualifying physical’ on file with the heath office. They are good for three years from date of exam.
- Sign-up or register for the sport(s) or activities you enjoy.
Please be sure to read the registration information for the activity/activities you are interested in before starting the registration process.
Sport Physicals Needed- Did you know?
- You must have a sports qualifying physical on file to register for sports at MMW.
- Physicals expire 3 years after the exam date. Information is available on Skyward under the Health tab to see the current Physical on file and the date of the exam.
- An immunization report does not mean your doctor cleared your student for sports. The school needs specific sports participation clearance.
- There is a 24 hour delay from the time the Physical is entered into Skyward, to the time the Physical uploads to the registration system. Please plan ahead.
- In fairness to all participants, we do not hold spots if Physical requirements are not met at the time of registration for sports that have a participation limit.
Physicals can be submitted by:
Email: mmw.activities@minnetonkaschools.org
Fax: 952-401-5350
In Person: To the MMW Health Office
team sports
Fall Sports:
Winter Sports:
Spring Sports:
clubs & enrichments
- 6th Grade Musical
- All-School Musical
- Honor Choir - 7th & 8th Grade
- Jazz Band
- Minnetonka Choir*
- Tonka District Children's Choir (6th Grade)
- Woodwind/Percussion Small Ensembles
*Minnetonka Choir is not affiliated with Minnetonka Schools.