Health Services
Our Health Services team collaborates with educational and support services within the school and the community to promote student health for student achievement. Licensed school nurses (LSN) and health paraprofessionals work together to meet students’ physical, social, and emotional health needs, in addition to promoting the health and safety of the entire school community.
Our school health offices are staffed each student day by a health services paraprofessional with licensed school nurse support in the building or on-call within the District.
Health Paraprofessionals
- Provide routine and emergency first-aid care to students and staff with illnesses and injuries.
- Provide care to students with chronic medical conditions as delegated by the LSN.
- Maintain documentation of immunizations and other health issues as part of the student health records.
- Administer medications as delegated by the LSN.
- Assist with monitoring and providing information regarding communicable concerns.
- Are certified in CPR and First Aid trained.
Licensed School Nurses
- Together with the health paraprofessional, promote and maintain the health and well-being of all students.
- Delegate and supervise first-aid care, medication administration, and health procedures.
- Assess, plan and document for students with health issues.
- Provide and plan the direct services for chronically ill or medically fragile students needing health procedures.
- Plan and provide for vision, hearing and scoliosis screening and referrals.
- Provide health consultation and education to students, staff and families.
- Provide referrals to community resources.
- Coordinate prevention and control of communicable concerns.
- Are registered nurses with a baccalaureate degree and are licensed in public health and school nursing.
Our schools participate in the "No Shots, No School" program. All students are required to provide proof of immunization, or appropriate documentation exempting the student from such immunization, and such other data necessary to ensure that the student is free from any communicable diseases, as a condition of enrollment. If your child is missing any immunizations, please make an appointment with your healthcare provider to have all immunizations completed before school begins.
Your child’s immunization record must be on file with the school before your child may attend. When you register for Kindergarten, you will be asked to provide immunization information, a medical exemption form or a notarized non-medical exemption form. You will be asked to provide a copy of this information to the District Office when you register. Additional immunizations or an updated exemption form are required in seventh grade.
For the safety of all children, Minnesota law requires written proof that your child has been immunized against seven diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTP), measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) and polio. Children entering Kindergarten must also be immunized for varicella (chicken pox) and a series of three hepatitis B shots. When you register for kindergarten, you will be asked to provide immunization information, a medical exemption form or a notarized non-medical exemption form. You will be asked to provide a copy of this information to the District Office when you register; please submit the information before August 1. Students entering seventh grade also require a Tdap booster and Meningococcal immunization or an updated exemption form if not previously indicated on their exemption.
Download the Minnesota Department of Health guide or consult your family doctor as additional boosters may be required.
Your child cannot attend school until the immunization information is updated. If your child has a medical reason for not receiving immunizations, a signed statement from your physician or clinic is needed. Families who object to immunizations must provide a notarized declination form. If you have any questions, please contact your school health office.
If your child has any allergies, medical conditions or individual and/or emergency healthcare plans, please let your child's health office know that information.
Have a Question?
Health Forms
- Allergy (Severe) Anaphylaxis Action Plan
- Asthma Emergency Care Plan
- Diabetes Emergency Care Plan
- Immunization Record
- Medication Form - Early Childhood
- Medication Form - Elementary (K-5)
- Medication Form - Secondary (6-12 plus SAIL)
- Medication Form - Over the Counter (preK-12 plus SAIL)
- Seizure Action Plan
District Health Policies
- Health Services (Policy 545)
- Immunizations (Policy 530)
- Anaphylaxis in School (Policy 517)
- Medication (Policy 516)
- Health and Safety Guidelines
- Health Concerns and Chronic Conditions
- Immunizations
- Minnesota Department of Health
- Minnesota Health Care Insurance for Children (Phone: 877-KIDS-KNOW)
- Special Education
- 504