Grade 11 Planning Guide

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Junior year is a time where you will begin to understand the relevance of course choices as you select the options that will form the path to your future. It is important for you to demonstrate your commitment to making the most of what is offered in high school. We encourage you to think rigor as you plan your junior year.

We encourage all college-bound students to try at least one IB or AP course. Among this year’s senior class, 79% have taken at least one AP or IB course. The research is clear: Students who take an AP or IB course during high school are more likely to complete their college degree. Students should also consider enrolling in the two-year International Baccalaureate (IB) full Diploma or IB Bilingual Diploma Programmes.

How do you maximize your post-secondary experience while in high school? Through preparation, so that when you get to college, you are well prepared to take the classes that you want and are able to get into your major faster.

To receive a Minnetonka High School diploma, students must fulfill certain requirements. View the MHS Graduation Requirements here.

download registration planning worksheet - pdf (class of 2027)


Choose from:

Social Studies

Choose from:

*Courses do not meet the junior year social studies requirement.



Choose from:



  • To fulfill the recommended 5 credits during your junior year, complete you course schedule with a selection of electives. Review the Skipper Log for current course options.
Student Activities

Tonka Online

By taking advantage of Tonka Online, you can complete required or prep courses during the summer, flex your daytime schedule or pick up an additional class during the school year. With Tonka Online, you can:

  • Complete three years of math in two years
  • Take two music classes during the year
  • Pursue electives that align with your passions
  • Ensure time for specialty programs during your junior and senior year.

With more than 300 courses offered at Minnetonka High School—including programs like VANTAGE, International Baccalaureate, Project Lead the Way, and a world-class fine arts program— students occasionally have a hard time making it all fit. Tonka Online can help!