Student Parking
Student Parking at MHS
The 2024-2025 School Year Parking Permit application process has closed. We are no longer accepting applications.
Parking Pool Information
For the 2024-2025 school year, we prioritized permit distribution through a pool process. The process is outlined below. The cost for a permit is $300. per carpool.
- Pool 1: 4 licensed Junior or Senior drivers or a combination of the two*
- Pool 2: 3 licensed Junior or Senior drivers or a combination of the two*
- Pool 3: 2 licensed Junior or Senior drivers or a combination of the two*
- Pool 4: Senior Individual (if available by lottery**)
*The parking permit process only counts Junior or Senior students with their driver's license as of September 1, 2024 as carpool members for a designated pool. Full time online students are not eligible for permits or to be listed on a carpool.
**If available, The lottery will be a random drawing of individual senior applicants corresponding to the number of available spots. Seniors, who choose to apply individually, are not guaranteed a Parking Permit. In previous years, not all seniors who applied received a solo permit. Juniors are not eligible for solo passes.
At MHS, carpooling is the key to success for parking, as we rely on this system to maximize the number of students we can accommodate. Students that make arrangements to carpool are prioritized as we distribute permits. Many of our students are heavily involved in activities and have unique schedules. We have a limited number of parking spaces and carpooling allows us to optimize the use of our lot. We are unable to prioritize individual permits for students based on schedules, activities, or living out of district.
Please note: The Parking Permit is for only 1 vehicle on campus at a time. Take a look at your before and after-school activities so you are able to make your carpool work. If more than one vehicle is needed at MHS, please purchase a Daily Pass and park in the lower lot.
The School District does provide transportation based on the criteria and information on the district's transportation website:
Parking Permit Information
Students with Parking Permits must follow these requirements:
- Park in the GREEN lot (west side of MHS) or the student portion of the Red lot .
- Always display your permit from your rearview mirror.
- You cannot sell or transfer your permit.
- Permits are only valid if issued by the office of Student Resources.
- Permits sold to a student are for use by that student only. All students involved in the purchase and subsequent resale of a permit or using a permit that does not belong to them will be disciplined.
- Forgery of permits may result in a police citation, loss of parking privileges and/or suspension.
Violations* For parking include:
- Not displaying your Parking Permit.
- Parking in the staff lots (purple,orange,blue) or first 3 rows of the red lot (closest to frontage rd).
- Parking in visitor or volunteer parking -these are marked with signs.
- Parking on the grass, curb or making your own spot. Blocking the aisles.
- Parking at Pagel Activity Center- this is separate from MHS. Cars can be ticketed/ towed by Pagel.
*These rules apply to all permit holders
Parking violations will be issued daily. If a student was issued a parking permit, but the permit is not displayed and/or the student is parked where they shouldn’t be, fees will be assessed:
- 1 ticket - $10
- 2 Ticket - $20
- 3 Ticket - $30 + Email home to parents
- 4 Ticket - $40 + Parking Detention & call home to parents
- 5 or more $40 + All carpool participants Lose Permit for 1 week
If you would like to purchase a daily pass, use this link
- Passes are $5 per day
- Students can buy up to 2 Daily Parking Passes per week
- Daily Parking passes are only good for parking in the LOWER lot by the football field/dome
- (yellow on the map). Parking in any other lot will result in a ticket.
- You do not need to put anything in your car to display. Your name, license plate number and vehicle information (from your online purchase) will be given to our parking attendant.
- If you provide wrong or incomplete vehicle information, you may receive a ticket.
- Daily Passes are available for purchase on Fridays at 12:00 noon the week before they are needed.
If a student is parked on campus and was not issued a permit and did not purchase a Daily Parking Pass, or is parked where they shouldn’t be, the fees are:
- 1 ticket - $20
- 2 tickets - $30
- 3 tickets* - $40 + Boot Car (+$25) and Email home to parents
- 4 tickets* - $40 + Parking Detention and call home to parents
- 5+ tickets**- $40.+ Your car can be towed at your expense
Ticketed Cars/Boots
If you receive a ticket on your car, check Skyward for the fine. It may not show up in your account for 48 hours. Tickets can be paid in person at the bursar or online via Skyward/Fee Management.
*If you are repeatedly parking in the MHS lot without a permit, and we do not have your car registered, we may boot it. The removal fee is $25. in addition to any tickets you were issued previously.
**If you repeatedly receive tickets in the MHS lot your car may be towed at your expense.
Please contact Mary Jean Watras at if you have questions.

Please contact Mary Jean Watras at if you have questions.