Minnewashta volunteers make a difference!
Find flexible volunteer opportunities – evening, weekend and day shifts – that fit your schedule and build community within our school. Check out our PTO Committee list for available opportunities.
We love to hear from you. Contact VCMinnewashta@gmail.com to find your dream volunteer role or click on the Organizational Chart below to learn more about each position.

We are thrilled to have the help, support and presence of our volunteer parents. In order to provide a safe environment, where children are our first priority, we need to adhere to following procedures:
- Check-in procedure: It is essential that all volunteers in the building sign in and use visitor badges provided by the school.
- Confidentiality: Educators recognize the importance of confidentiality. Everyone is more secure in an environment where the privacy of the child and the child's family is respected. We expect the same commitment to confidentiality from our volunteers as we do from ourselves.
Parents are encouraged to volunteer in their children’s classroom. Teachers will typically have classroom volunteer opportunities available at Curriculum Night and will communicate other volunteer needs throughout the year.
We have a strong tradition of volunteering at Minnewashta Elementary. Parents, guardians, and family members are involved in so many aspects of our children’s education. We hope every parent can find at least one way to help each year. All PTO Volunteer opportunities (with descriptions) are posted on our website at the beginning of each school year. You can access and sign up for these opportunities year round. Computers are set up in the school lobby during Curriculum Nights for you to use to sign up, as well. Throughout the year, various committees may also distribute volunteer request forms.
Background Check Process for Volunteers
Thank you for your interest in volunteering in our schools. We value your time and talent.
To ensure the safety of our students, we require criminal background checks on the following:
- Any volunteer who accompanies students off campus (i.e., chaperones for field trips).
Any volunteer who is responsible for working with students on campus (including virtual experiences, such as Tonka Online).
Click here to begin the background check!
If in doubt, complete a background check (except current employees)
Volunteers only need to do the background check once and the results will follow all of your children through their Minnetonka Schools educational career. So, once you have been approved through our volunteer background check process, you will be cleared to volunteer into the future without going through the process again. To inquire whether you already have a cleared volunteer background check on file, please contact the main office at your child's school.
The online criminal background check form requires you to provide authorization for a variety of criminal background checks:
- National Sex Offense History: Provides a sexual offender registry check of all 50 states plus the District of Columbia.
- Criminal SuperSearch: A criminal search for 47 states plus the District of Columbia.
- Social Security Number Trace: Provides the name, aliases, 10 year address history, and all social security numbers associated with the individual. Verifies that the social security number is valid, gives year of issuance and state issued.
The administrative fee for a background check is $9.75 (payment must be made online by credit or debit card). Human Resources will review the results of each background check. The online form includes an option for volunteers to request a copy of their own report.
Thank you for your cooperation as we continue to maintain a safe and secure educational environment for our students.
Note: Current employees of Minnetonka Schools, you are already cleared to work in the District, so do not need to complete the volunteer background check.