PTO Fundraisers

The PTO provides funding that benefits Groveland students in several areas, including the following: enrichment for the classroom, school-wide programming and improvements, and fine arts and cultural opportunities.

The Groveland Night Out (March 23, 2024 7PM-10PM)
Join other Groveland parents for a fun night to benefit Groveland elementary.Great entertainment, fun games, and many wonderful auction items make this an evening for parents to remember. Don’t miss it!

Used Book Sale (May 16-17, 2024 from 8AM-3PM)
Do you have books you are finished reading? You can donate them to the school to be resold at the annual Used Book Sale. Watch for great deals and a great way to recycle your old books.

Tonka Pride
The Minnetonka community shows its pride by wearing Tonka Pride apparel on various Fridays during the year at school. Blue and White are the school colors. Tonka Pride apparel is sold as a district-wide fundraiser with a percentage of profits coming back to Groveland’s PTO. There are multiple opportunities each year to purchase items.Watch your email for details!

Additional Ways to Contribute
There are many programs set up by corporations for schools to raise money for their students. In past years, Groveland has received significant and helpful dollars from these three methods of fundraising. Please take the time to do these simple tasks that benefit your school in a great way!

Corporate Match
Many companies match cash donations or volunteer hours through programs such as Benevity. If your company offers this, be sure to match all your dollars and hours. This can make a huge difference!

Box Tops for Education
On General Mills products there are labels on the box marked “Box Tops for Education.” Anyone can cut these out, collect them, and turn them in at school. A volunteer coordinator compiles them and submits them to General Mills for a donation.

Amazon Smile
The Amazon Smile Foundation will donate 0.5% of every eligible purchase to Groveland. Simply select PTO Minnesota Congress 15981984 Groveland Elementary PTO as your charity while utilizing the website.

kids in class