Making Copies
More than 15 copies: Please arrange to have this done through the District Service Center. Use the following process:
- Fill out the Print Shop Order form located in the Staff Workroom by the card stock. It is also available on the Minnetonka web page under “Administration” – “District Forms” – “Internal” – “Purchasing”.
- Please remember to note the name of your committee somewhere near the top of the request form.
- Attach your original that you need copied. Put the form and the information to be copied in the wire basket in the Staff Workroom.
- You’ll need to allow two days to get this completed. Jobs in by 12:00 p.m. are usually returned on the second day by 3:30 p.m.
You have been provided with a few forms and an example of how the information should be filled out. Additional forms are located in the office workroom and PTO closet. When the job is returned, place the returned print shop form in the Treasurer’s box. We use this to reconcile the District copying charges.
Less than 15 copies: You may use the copier in the Staff Workroom. Please be respectful of teacher needs (if the copy room is busy) and remember to return the copier settings to their original mode.
How to Submit Information for the Sunday Principal’s Update/Newsletter
If you have information for the Sunday Principal’s Update, email it to Lynn Winkleman by 10 a.m. on Fridays. If you have a special announcement that gets sent home in the backpacks you will need to have it in the office the Tuesday morning before the distribution date. Check with the office staff for current enrollment numbers to ensure the appropriate number of copies are provided.
PTO Typeface
The Groveland PTO typeface is Trebuchet. If you have access to this, please use it for all memos, announcements, and correspondence.
Tax ID#
Our PTO is allowed to make purchases tax-free. Please contact the PTO treasurer to obtain the Tax ID number. If you have not used this number to make your purchase, you will NOT be reimbursed for the tax amount. There is NO exception to this policy. Phone ahead to the retail store you plan to shop at to see what they need for tax-exempt information.
To Reserve Space for an Event
This pertains primarily to the lunchroom and the gyms. The PTO President works with the principal to set up the Groveland calendar during the spring/summer. Please verify dates and do not duplicate dates that have already been set:
- Meet with principal and/or PTO to set date.
- Fill out a district “Request for Facilities” form.
- Mail form to Facilities Coordinator at the District Office. Keep a copy for yourself.
- The PTO President completes “Request for Facilities” forms for all major PTO events and will provide you with a copy. Do not duplicate these requests.
- Fill out a “Work Request” form. Give this to Lynn Winkleman in the Groveland office.
- Place all information on calendar with the help of the Groveland office.
- Call or put a note in the mailbox of the person you may be displacing (such as gym teachers or Explorers Club) to be sure they are aware of your request.
- Plan for clean-up. Ensure Groveland custodians are aware of your event.
To Reserve the Cove or Outdoor Classroom
If you intend to use the Cove or the Outdoor Classroom for any reason, please contact Lynn Winkleman in the Groveland office at 952-401-5600 to reserve these. There is a separate sign-up for each area.
To Order Refreshments
Talk with Mary Hauge 952-401-5580 about light refreshments, additional needs, or questions you have about the kitchen area at Groveland. For larger food orders call Jane Bender at the District Food and Nutrition Services office: 952-401-5048.
Kitchen Use and Food Preparation
Please be aware that there are rules regarding the use of the kitchen facilities mandated by the State Board of Health. Contact Mary Hauge if you plan on using Groveland’s kitchen.
School Board Meetings/Broadcast Times
The Minnetonka School Board meetings are held the first Thursday of every month beginning at 7 p.m. at the District Service Center (near Clear Springs Elementary/north of Hwy. 7). These meetings are taped and re-broadcast on Time Warner Cable (Channel 17) on Fridays at 7 p.m. and Saturdays at 4 p.m.
Groveland Note Cards
Groveland Elementary fold-over note cards are available for you to use. They are located in the lower cupboard of the office workroom. These may be helpful for writing thank you notes to suppliers, corporate contributors, your committee members, etc.
Publicity Needs
Remember to plan ahead. You should allow at least three weeks for advance coverage in the local newspapers. Information usually doesn’t appear in print until approximately one week after the paper’s deadline. Unless the public is invited to an event, coverage after the fact is usually better. Then you can include a photo and highlight the results. If you have publicity needs, please contact the PTO secretary.
Photos Needed
Please remember the Yearbook Committee is always looking for good photos of Groveland events, students, teachers, parties, etc. If you have any photos, please deliver to the Groveland office on a flash drive or CD. The electronic Groveland Newsletter might also be able to use photos from key PTO and school events.