
Welcome to Excelsior Elementary! We look forward to a great 2024-2025 year!

Here are a few things complied by the PTO to help your year run a bit smoother:

  • Attendance: 952-401-5655
  • Health Office: 952-401-5648
  • Main Office: 952-401-5650
  • Transportation: 952-470-5366
  • Directions and School Hours

This year, we will be using the online system, “Membership Toolkit”, to manage our school directory because our previous online directory system, “MySchoolAnywhere”, has merged with “Membership Toolkit”. An email announcement has been sent out to all families in late August, with a link to create your new “Membership Toolkit” account. Shortly after you have verified/edited your information, you will receive a second email enabling your login to the directory. That means in order to view information about other families, your information must be verified. Families will have the chance to opt in or out of the directory, if you don’t want specific information shared.

  • When you provide your primary e-mail, you will be given directions to create a Minnetonka login (MyMinnetonka Single Sign On or SSO). This will give you access to Schoology and Skyward.
    • Skyward is used to make lunch payments, track attendance, schedule teacher conferences (when available), see standardized test scores and see report cards.
    • Schoology is a tool used by teachers to store useful information for classrooms needed throughout the year. Additional information about Schoology is generally provided at curriculum night.
    • Access them through SSO by clicking the Blue M at the top of the page (desktop) or the My SSO tab in the mobile menu.
    • For details on making online payments, including a Web Store tutorial, visit the Payments page.
  • Another useful tool that is available through Minnetonka SSO is “My Stop”. “My Stop” allows parents to access bus locations and estimated times of arrival. This is a handy tool during cold Minnesota days! Follow instructions here.

The PTO raises funds with several goals in mind, including funding the PTO Operating Budget (which includes all PTO-related activities, some field trips, scholarships, supplies for the classroom, etc.), and providing Teacher Grants. To complement the fall fundraiser that supports the PTO Operating Budget, “Painless Fundraising” is a year-round effort to raise funds. It’s EASY!

Painless Fundraising:

  • Mabel’s Labels: Visit and search for “Excelsior Elementary”. Order labels for everything so nothing gets left behind.
  • Kowalski’s: Put your receipt in the Excelsior Elementary PTO box at the end of the check-out counters. Donations are given based on the number of receipts in the box, not the value of the receipt. Starbucks receipts count, too! We receive about $400 every quarter!
  • Visit (instead of every time you shop on Amazon. Select “Excelsior Elementary PTO” as your organization of choice (only required the first time you visit) and we’ll earn a percentage of your purchases.
  • Box Tops 4 Education: Keep turning in your Box Tops, because they all add up as well, and every bit helps. We average over $1,000 every year! Turn them in to your teacher, or at the front desk. Brand new in 2019, you can download the Box Tops for Education app to keep track of your Box Top purchases electronically!
  • Office Max: Simply make a purchase of qualifying school supplies, provide our school's ID (70053842) at checkout (in store and online) and Excelsior will receive 5% back in credits for FREE supplies! It's a small act that can make a huge difference.

For information on drop-off or pick-up, reporting absences, volunteering in the school, and much more, be sure to review the Parent Handbook.

kids in class