Principal Welcome

Welcome to Deephaven Elementary School!

Bryan McGinley

The learning community of Deephaven Elementary School welcomes you and your family to our school. We have a long tradition of excellence and I look forward to working with you throughout your child’s elementary school years. Our school is fortunate to have staff, students and parents working together to create partnerships for learning. The dynamic and committed professional educators at our school continually look for ways to improve our school and our classroom instruction. Our focus is on our students and their personal and academic growth.

We make learning come alive through the use of:

  • Differentiated Instruction
  • Responsive Classroom
  • Balanced Literacy Approach
  • Guided Reading with the use of leveled reading material
  • K-5 Coordination of Science Instruction
  • Technology Integration
  • Our adopted curriculum of Houghton Mifflin, Everyday Math, 6+1 Traits of Writing, Foss Science, History Alive and The Great Body Shop.
  • Music, Art, Physical Education, Media Center, Band and Orchestra taught by licensed specialists in these areas
  • Spanish Immersion Program
  • After school Spanish Classes
  • Fine Arts Opportunities – Elementary Musical Theatre Program and enhanced 5th grade music options.

We focus on creating a learning environment that encourages Cooperation, Assertion, Responsibility, Empathy and Self-Control (C.A.R.E.S. skills). Common language is also used with students to reinforce consistent expectations for work and behavior. Our Kindness Initiative and Olweus Bullying Prevention Program encourage a safe and supportive learning environment for all students, allowing us to support each student’s progress toward academic, social and emotional growth.

Deephaven Elementary is a vibrant learning environment focused on continually improving the learning experiences of our students. Our school built a beautiful new playground for students in 2005, created an Outdoor Classroom in 2007 and opened up a state-of-the-art Media Center in 2010. We began a partnership in 2011 with LifeTime Fitness to provide students with healthier lunches by improving the ingredients in our menu items. LifeTime Fitness is now replicating the Deephaven school lunch program model in Dallas, Chicago and Phoenix. In 2012, Deephaven began a partnership with Crane Engineering to support our focus on S.T.E.M. (science, technology, engineering and math). Our goal is to continue to look for ways to improve our school in order to prepare our students for a successful future.

In 2014, the Minnesota Department of Education named Deephaven a Reward School, one of only 20 Minnesota schools to receive this designation for four years in a row. Deephaven was named a Reward School once again in 2016. This award is given to schools that are among the top 15% of Title I schools in the state. Not all schools receive Title I funding, which is based on the percent of students who qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch.

Parents are valued partners at Deephaven Elementary School, playing important roles at home and at school. We are fortunate to have a community that shares their time and talents with our students. I encourage all parents to become involved in our school in a way that fits your time and taps into your talents.

Thank you for your support of Deephaven Elementary School. If you are new to our area, I invite you to take a tour of our school to learn more about how we can support the dreams you have for your child.


Bryan McGinley, Principal

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Bryan McGinley

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Deephaven kids at charity drive