About Our School
Deephaven Elementary: A great place to learn.
Staff, students and parents work together at Deephaven Elementary School to create partnerships for learning. Building strong home-school partnerships is an important key of success for students. Teachers embrace the concept of continuous improvement and work toward incorporating best practices in our instruction.
Our staff will increase student achievement by:
- Differentiating instructional strategies in math, reading and writing.
- K-5 coordination of science instruction.
- Creating supporting relationships through the use of C.A.R.E.S., with a special emphasis on kindness.
- Improving information literacy and technology proficiencies.
Our goals have been created to ensure that we are meeting the academic and social needs of our students.
Parents are valued partners at Deephaven Elementary School, playing important roles at home and at school. We are fortunate to have a community that shares their time and talents with our students. We encourage all parents to become involved in our school in a way that fits their time and taps into their talents.
Promoting Student Learning
Deephaven has promoted student learning in a number of ways beyond our district curriculum. Our strength as a school includes the numerous additional programs that support student learning. These programs include:
Lighthouse Publishing
Students in 2nd through 5th grade write stories outside of the school day and receive their published book at a monthly Authors' Celebration recognition event.
Authors' Celebration of Excellence (ACE)
ACE is a program offered to students in 5th grade. Participating students meet with adult mentors after school and engage in weekly meetings over a five-month period. They follow a step-by-step process for writing a full-length novel. Students receive a published copy of their book and a second copy is placed in our media center for students in our school to check out and read.
Student Leadership
Student Leadership is open to all 4th and 5th graders. We believe developing leadership skills in students is essential and have created an after-school program that teaches specific leadership skills to students and allows them to practice them through service learning projects.
Technology as a tool for learning
A nationally recognized technology leader, Deephaven was the first school in our district to pilot Smart Boards in 2002 and we piloted the use of over 50 iPads for instructional purposes in 2011. We developed primary and intermediate lessons that supports our adopted curriculum. In addition, our use of laptops in the classroom, Smart Board technology, and classroom sound systems play a key role in accelerating student learning.
Reading and Math
In Reading and Math, we identify every student's reading level and use leveled readers to instruct students using Guided Reading. Students are engaged in 70 minutes of math instruction every day and use Rocket Math to ensure proficiency in math facts. Events such as Month of Math and Math Madness promote excitement and learning around mathematics.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)
In Science, we recently created a partnership with Crane Engineering to support STEM in our school.
We conduct an annual 5th grade spelling bee and a geography bee to encourage further learning in each area.
Summer Learning Loss
We created the Principal's Summer Challenge to encourage parents to support their children over the summer by tracking their work in the areas of reading, math and writing.