Contact Us
Feel free to reach out to to ask questions, get clarity, or learn more about how to get involved. All PTO Board positions are filled at this time. We will communicate here when there are openings.
Take a look at our Who Does What Chart.
President | Kristina Boser |
Secretary | Melia Ogrodnik |
Treasurer | Nick Johnson |
Treasurer | Lauren Syrup |
Fundraising | Stephanie Stiles |
Fundraising | Julie McClure |
Public Relations/Yearbook | Emily Pettersen |
Appreciation Chair | Stephanie Marolt |
Appreciation Chair | Stacey Hohn |
Volunteer Chair | Jaime Cook |
Philanthropy Chair | Kenan Guilmette |
Philanthropy Chair | Maggie Kirchoff |
Room Parent Liaison | Carrie Anderson |
Community Builder | Laurie Ness |