Student Support Team (SST)

Minnetonka Schools support a wide range of tiered systems of supports PK – High School. Students access the systems of support through the building Student Support Team (SST) process. Multiple data is reviewed when considering student well-being needs, and these may include academic performance, behavioral and discipline referrals, health room visits, health care needs, Section 504 accommodations, and referrals for special education, along with family input or expressed concern.

Each school has a Student Support Team (SST) The Student Support Team meets regularly around student academic and social, emotional, and behavioral well-being of students. The SST makes decisions about the tiered intervention supports. The team is made up of the building support staff and building leadership, along with core teachers and other related service providers. Additional people are brought in on an as-needed basis. Parents are informed and consulted on student needs and decisions. The SST meets regularly at each building.

Student Support Team Brochure

Key indicators of student well-being are often attendance, behavior, physical and academic performance. The Student Support Services team use a variety of data to monitor student needs in the area of academic growth and achievement, along with social, emotional, behavioral and physical needs.

System of Supports
Tiered System of Supports (TSS) or Multi Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is an umbrella framework that includes Response to Intervention (RTI) and supports that lead to positive student well-being. Every student receives core instruction and support through the classroom, known as Tier One or Universal Support. Some students need supplemental instruction, which is referred to as Tier Two, and a small cohort of students receive the most intensive intervention and supports, known as Tier Three. This tiered system is used for academic supports as well as behavioral supports and interventions.

Continuum of Well-Being Info Graphic

Student Well-Being