Launching The Hub to Promote Maker-Based Learning
"We did a lot of experiments and tests to see what was wrong and what was right. We fixed the wrong thing and kept what was right. It's really cool to experiment by yourself. And then you know what it's like to be an engineer."
- Clear Springs 5th grader
Future workplaces will require people who can problem-solve, adapt and communicate in environments that are increasingly complex.
With $200,000 from our Endowment Fund, the Foundation launched The Hub last year. We provided plugged and unplugged materials to enhance the tonka curricular program and support maker-based learning in all PreK-8 Minnetonka schools.
The Hub materials provided by the Foundation encourage open-ended student-driven learning experiences that encourage creativity, collaboration and teamwork to achieve a goal.
"Parent volunteers loved The Hub and commented how much their child liked using Hub materials."
- Clear Springs Teacher
"We worked as a team of four. It was challenging to include everyone's ideas and make sure it worked. We each had a role on the team."
- Clear Springs 5th Grader