Planned Giving
A Legacy of Skipper Pride
Demonstrating your commitment to Minnetonka Public Schools through a planned gift is a lasting way to support all Minnetonka students.
Sample Bequest Language
Here are language samples for three outright gift provisions, which are educational only. You are encouraged to seek legal counsel when considering any estate plans or planned gifts.
Specific Bequest to the Minnetonka Public Schools Foundation
"I give ________________ (describe asset) to the Minnetonka Public Schools Foundation, a Minnesota non-profit corporation, 5621 County Road 101, Minnetonka MN 55345, to further the objectives and purposes of the Foundation."
Cash Bequest to the Minnetonka Public Schools Foundation
"I give _____ Dollars ($_____) to the Minnetonka Public Schools Foundation, a Minnesota non-profit corporation, 5621 County Road 101, Minnetonka MN 55345, to further the objectives and purposes of the Foundation."
Residuary Bequest to the Minnetonka Public Schools Foundation
"I give the residue (or _____ percent of the residue) of my estate to the Minnetonka Public Schools Foundation, a Minnesota non-profit corporation, 5621 County Road 101, Minnetonka MN 55345, to further the objectives and purposes of the Foundation."
Including the Minnetonka Public Schools Foundation in your will or estate plans is easy. You could choose to leave a percentage of your estate or a specific monetary amount. And you can amend your plans or change your mind at any time.
Planned Gift bequests to the Foundation are added to our Endowment Fund. This means your gift will remain as a lasting legacy, positively impacting Minnetonka students and classrooms for generations to come.