CASE: Community Action for Student Education
Help Minnetonka Schools make a case for school funding!
“CASE” stands for Community Action for Student Education. Minnetonka Schools’ CASE committee advocates at the Minnesota Legislature for full school funding. The goal of CASE is to encourage legislators to reinvest in public education at the state level and to understand how possible changes in current law can impact school funding.
CASE is non-partisan. Its members do not use CASE to endorse candidates for an elected office, including non-partisan elected positions. As individual citizens, members of CASE are not prohibited from participating in various election efforts, but their opinions and actions do not represent CASE in doing so.
In the past, CASE has consisted mostly of parents, but community members and business leaders are also welcome participants. In addition to lobbying at the Capitol in-person, there will be opportunities in 2024 for CASE members to write letters, send emails and make calls to legislators, to assist with research and to help with event planning. The commitment can be varied, and there is a place for anyone with a passion to make a difference in the lives of our students and our school district.
To learn more about CASE and how to get involved, please email with your questions or suggestions.
- Legislative Position
- Local Legislators
- Find your legislator
- Letter writing tips
- Talking with your legislators (tips)
Other Education Advocacy Groups
- Minnesota State Website
- Minnesota House
- Minnesota Senate
- Minnesota Department of Education
- Legislative Webcam
Contacting your representatives
- Legislators and the Governor need to hear what your priorities are. Take Two Minutes to remind them to keep education a priority in Minnesota.
- Ask them to keep education a priority.
- Who represents me?
- Two minutes is all it takes! A quick phone call or email makes a difference. Messages may be left after hours as well.
Advocacy Tips
- Identify yourself as a constituent.
- Provide your name, address and phone number.
- Thank them for all their efforts.
- Ask them to "make education a priority" during the upcoming budget discussions.
- For emails, be sure to put “Constituent” in the subject line.
- The key message is: “We need an educated populous to keep our state strong.”