Booster Clubs
Parents, Community Members and Booster Club organizations: Thank you so much for your time and effort in supporting the students of Minnetonka High School. Activity programs today could not exist at the high level they do in Minnesota, and especially in Minnetonka, without the tremendous support we receive.
In my 10-plus years as an Activities Director, and knowing the importance of booster clubs in activities today, I have developed policies and guidelines for communication between booster clubs and our high school program. This webpage and documents are meant to be a tool used to better relationships, clarify procedures and rules, and set the stage for a successful season. All booster clubs should download the printable brochure and review it annually and refer to it as issues arise.
Parents, without your help and support we would not be able to provide quality activity programs for all Minnetonka students. Thank you.
Ted Schultz
Student Activities Director
Minnetonka High School
Guidelines for Booster Clubs in Minnetonka
Minnetonka's Booster Clubs