Preschool Activities

preschool students playing on the playground

Options for every family

Minnetonka Preschool offers a variety of options to fit every child’s developmental need. To learn more about preschool class offerings (days/times) visit Classes. In conjunction with Minnetonka Preschool, Minnetonka Community Education offers a variety of enrichment and recreational activities that can be wrapped into your child’s day at the Minnetonka Community Education Center. Your child can attend preschool, participate in Lunch Bunch, take a dance class, gymnastics, music or language class and go to Junior Explorers childcare— all between drop-off and pick-up! MCEC staff will accompany children between each activity to ensure a safe, supervised transition.

Language Exploration (3-5 years)

This unique language program immerses children in the Chinese or Spanish language, culture and traditions. Learning Chinese or Spanish is fun and happens naturally through games, movement, arts and crafts, music, drama and stories. This class is a wonderful precursor to Minnetonka Immersion Kindergarten options. It can also be a great addition to your child’s Minnetonka Preschool and/or Junior Explorers schedule. 


Minnetonka Music Academy Preschool Piano Lessons (4-6 years)

Start your child’s musical journey with private piano lessons! Our professional piano teachers have experience in teaching young children and use books especially written for young beginners. Eight 30 or 45-minute weekly lessons are scheduled at MCEC on weekday mornings. Classroom pick-up is available for students enrolled in Minnetonka Preschool at MCEC. 


Amazing Athletes (30 months-6 years)

All of our Amazing Athletes programs are specifically designed with children in mind. Trained coaches teach basic fundamentals and mechanics of different sports in a non-competitive, learning-based environment. 


Tonka Dance Academy (Ages 3 & up)

Tonka Dance Academy encourages and inspires grace, composure, creativity, balance and flexibility, rhythm and a sense of exuberance in students. Professional instructors encourage students to set and achieve goals in a positive, wholesome atmosphere. 
