School Board

The Minnetonka School District is governed by a seven member School Board. Each member is elected at large and serves alternating four-year terms. Elections are held in years ending with an odd number.

School Board Meetings

The School Board meets twice monthly. Agendas are posted three days before the meeting. All School Board meetings are open to the public, unless specified as a closed or executive session in accordance with Minnesota statute.

Meetings are held in the Community Room at the District Service Center, 5621 County Road 101, Minnetonka, MN 55345.

School Board Meetings

Contacting the Board

If you wish to communicate with individual Board members, their contact information can be found by clicking their profile below. If you prefer to contact the entire Board, you may use the group email address. All Board members will receive your correspondence; the Board Chair or Vice Chair respond to emails on behalf of the Board. The group email address is: