Family Helpdesk
Minnetonka School District is a national leader in using technology as an accelerator of learning. With the vast resources available to students and families, it is sometimes challenging to keep it all straight. The Family Helpdesk is a resource when you have problems. If you don't see your questions addressed below or in this documentation, please email or call at 952-401-5123. If you are in TonkaOnline you can email the support desk for TonkaOnline at
My SSO (single sign-on) provides staff, students and families access to password protected online resources. When students begin in the District they receive a log-in. Parents and guardians also are provided with a SSO login, distinct from their child's. The student login allows access to many student instructional resources and the parent/guardian login provides access to their student's information. Parents will have difficulty accessing parent information if they use their child's log-in.
Skyward is our Student Information System. It is our primary database for all student and family contact information. Updated and accurate family information in Skyward is used with many other learning, assessment, food service, health services, special education and communication systems in the District. Parents access Skyward Family Access by logging into My SSO. Parents are able to login and update their account information at any time, ensuring their email, phone and mailing address are correct.
Schoology is our e-learning system for grades 4-12, which hosts teacher webpages, homework assignments, class notes, online study tools, online assessments, discussion boards, grades for students in 6-12 and more. Students enroll in their teachers Schoology course at the beginning of each year/semester. When parents or students log in, links to their child's classes appear. Parents and students can also sign-up for alerts when teachers post new information.
Seesaw is our e-learning system for grades PreK-3. Teachers can post announcements and content for students. Students can interact with content in the Seesaw Class app, and parents can view their child's learning through the Seesaw Family app.
Technology Resources
Open the link below to view instructions for students and parents on the technology tools used for e-learning in Minnetonka.
Contact us
Submit questions and feedback online and receive a response within one business day through the Family Technology Helpdesk.