Title I

Title I is a federally funded program that aims to support learners in meeting the state's academic standards. Title I programming supplements Minnetonka Public Schools' regular education programming, providing services for students identified as needing assistance in meeting grade level expectations.

Title I services area available at Clear Springs and Deephaven. Each school develops a plan for supporting regular classroom instruction for their students. Schools receiving Title I funds work to identify students who need educational support, set goals, and measure student progress.

How are students identified for Title I?

Although funding for Title I is related to the number of students who receive free or reduced price meals, participation has nothing to do with economic status. Students are selected to receive Title I services based on a number of factors, including performance on standardized tests, classroom assessments, and teacher recommendation. Title I is not the same as Special Education.

What kind of assistance is provided?

Title I services are provided by licensed staff. Students may be seen individually or in small groups. Specific skill areas are targeted, depending on students' needs. This support is in addition to the instruction students receive in the general education classroom.

Parent's right to know

As a parent/guardian of a student in a Title I school, you have the right...

  • To know the professional qualifications of your child's teacher.
  • To know when your child has a substitute teacher for more than four weeks and the qualifications of the substitute teacher.
  • To know how your child's school is rated on its state test scores.


Steve Urbanski
Director of Curriculum