Student Reunification:
Circumstances may occur at the school that require parents to pick up their students in a formalized, controlled release at a site other than their student’s school. This process is called a “reunification” and may be necessary due to an emergency or significant incident such as tornado damage sustained by the school or another situation that requires the school district to move students to an alternate location for parent pick-up.
**Please note, off-site reunification will typically not be used for non-emergency unplanned early closure situations, such as a power outage or a snow-related release.
Parents/guardians will be notified about an off-site reunification through Minnetonka Public Schools’ email, phone and text messaging system. Depending on the situation causing the reunification, the reunification location may also be shared on the District’s website and through social media and other broadcast platforms and outlets.
Parent Expectations:
If a parent/guardian is notified that an off-site reunification is needed, there are some expectations that they should understand. First, they should NOT drive to the school or location where the incident has occurred or is occurring. They should proceed to the reunification site. They should bring along their photo identification. And, finally, they should know that reunification can take time, and they should expect that they will need to be patient once they arrive. Reunification is a process that protects both the safety of the student and provides for an accountable change of custody from the school to a recognized custodial parent/guardian.
What if a parent can't pick up their student?
When a parent can’t immediately go to the reunification site, students will only be released to individuals previously identified as a student’s emergency contact. Otherwise, the school district will hold students until parents can pick up their student.
What if the student drove to school?
There may be instances where a student may not be allowed to remove a vehicle from the parking lot of the school. In this case, parents are advised to come and pick up their student at the reunification site.
Student instructions:
For students, the school district will ask that students be orderly and quiet while waiting. Students may be asked to text a message to their parents or guardians. Students may also be asked to limit additional text messages while they are waiting. Keeping the cellular network usage at a minimum may be important for district staff and/or emergency personnel during a reunification.
Parent instructions:
Again, parents should not drive to the school or location where the incident is occurring or has occurred. Parents should drive to the reunification site and park where indicated. Parents will be asked to go to the check-in area and to form lines. While in line, parents will be asked to complete a reunification form. This form has two parts, which will be separated during the process of reunifying the parent with the student.
During reunification check-in, photo identification is reviewed, and staff will confirm the person picking up the student or students is authorized in the district’s student management system to do so. The form will be separated, and the parent will retain half of it. From the check-in area, parents will be directed to an area where parents and students will be reunited.