Tackle Cancer

MHS Student Government is partnering with Minnetonka Football again this year to raise money for the Randy Shaver Cancer Research & Community Fund. 100% of profits go directly to the Randy Shaver fund.

The following Tonka Strong items will be for sale: pink hoodies, short-sleeved and long-sleeved t-shirts, hats, bandanas, awareness ribbons, yard signs, and digital tributes (to be displayed on the Jumbotron at the football game on 9/12).

All items can be purchased on Vanco Friday 9/6 through Thursday 9/12 and can be picked up in the commons during lunches Monday-Thursday that week or at the football games Friday 9/6 or Thursday 9/12. There will be cash sales offered on Wednesday and Thursday during lunches and at the football games.

Vanco Link

Donations: Make a donation of any amount via Venmo @tacklecancerminnetonkafootball or look for cash donation bins in the MHS Commons during lunches or at the football game.

Score Board Tribute: $25 each

At the football game on 9/12, you will have the opportunity to honor a loved one that has battled cancer. When purchasing a tribute on Vanco, you can include your name as well as the name of the person you are honoring and that information will be shown on the Jumbotron at the football game on 9/12.

Tonka Strong hoodies: $45 each

Available in sizes S-XXL


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Tonka Strong Short-Sleeved Tees: $15 (NEW!)

Available in sizes S-XXL



Tonka Strong “Get Your Pink/Fight On” Long-Sleeved Tees: $10

Available in limited quantities sizes S-XXL

Tackle Cancer Shirt


Tonka Strong hats: $10 each


Bandanas, Backpack Ribbons, & Paper Ribbons: $3 each

We are selling pink, light blue, and purple bandanas, backpack ribbons, and paper ribbons, to highlight the fact that these funds are supporting research and patients with all forms of cancer. Light pink represents breast cancer. Purple represents all cancers, as well as more specifically pancreatic, esophageal, stomach, testicular, and leiomyosarcoma cancers. Light blue represents prostate, colon, and ovarian cancer. 

Paper Ribbons - will be displayed in the MHS Commons:

Backpack Ribbons (2 in):

Yard Signs: $20 each
12x18”- choice of “Tonka Strong” or “Tackle Cancer”
Yard Signs


Tackle Cancer Banner

Contact Information

Becky Johnson