Clubs & Enrichments

Winter Registration is open!

Find your place to belong, serve and grow.

Clubs and activities have always been an important part of our culture at MHS. Belonging to a club or group develops confidence, connections and a sense of community which are important to student success.

Our Clubs and Enrichments give students a chance to connect with peers with similar interests on a safe, small group level. From gaming clubs to supporting a cause, you are sure to find a place to belong. If you don't see a club that piques your interest, start one! See the blinking light bulb below for instructions on how to start your own club. 


  • If you are a club advisor, you are responsible for maintaining your club's Google Doc. The school year above the club name should be updated each year so we know it is current.
  • If you are a new club advisor, you may request editing access through Google Docs.
  • If a club should become inactive for any reason, please notify us ASAP by completing the short form at


click here to view our complete list of clubs

SCAN to Register

Scan with your smart device to register for MHS Activities

This list of offerings is subject to change. If you have questions, please contact the Activities Office at 952-401-5904.
* Online registration required for these programs and participation and/or an activity fee may also apply. Register at
** These activities are offered through Minnetonka Community Ed. Register at

Only clubs requiring a fee to join need to be registered through All others, with the exception of Rec Sports, can be registered by contacting the Advisor or Student Representative listed on the linked club Google Doc.


Club Ideas

Have a great idea for a new club?

Great! You are in the right place.

Here's how:
  1. Determine a name and purpose/mission for your group. Decide what category (enrichment, stem, fellowship/support, etc.) under which your group best fits.
  2. Find a teacher that is willing to act as advisor for your group. Advisors need to be present at all meetings and outings associated with your group. Make sure your Advisor is aware of this policy.
  3. Plan your schedule, including:
    • How you will meet (virtual, in-person or hybrid)
    • Frequency (monthly, bi-monthly, weekly, etc.) 
    • Day, time, location (If virtual, obtain a GoogleMeet name and Schoology code if applicable) 
  4. Complete the online Application for Student Clubs (or copy and paste into your browser).
  5. Once your form has been submitted, contact Ted Schultz at to set up a meeting.
  6. Once approved, you and your advisor will be asked to complete a club description document in Google Docs. You will be responsible for maintaining your document throughout the school year and at the beginning of each new school year.