Excellence in Teaching E-Learners

Minnetonka Awards for Child-Centered Excellence in Teaching

New this year, this award seeks to select the best representatives of the many outstanding e-learning teachers in the Minnetonka School District. The award includes recognition at every level and from every school.  

Award criteria

  • Taught (or is currently teaching) e-learners during the 2020-21 school year
  • Demonstrates exemplary commitment, enthusiasm, student-focus, effectiveness, and professionalism.
  • Displays personal and professional integrity.
  • Advocates for the best interest of students; addresses emotional and developmental needs of students.
  • Employs a wide range of educational and scientific research in teaching, including effective practices in differentiation—pulling the best out of each student.
  • Exhibits a genuine love of children and a professional commitment to children’s learning.
  • Creates a positive, supportive, respectful and disciplined atmosphere for personal and academic achievement to flourish.
  • Demonstrates a commitment to professional growth, school improvement, and community involvement.
  • Is a licensed teacher.

Nomination process

  • Any Minnetonka colleague, administrator, student, parent, community member, or alumnus may make the nomination. Self-nominations are not accepted.
  • The nomination shall include:
    • Nominator’s name and phone number
    • Nominee’s name, job title, and school or department
    • Answers to the following questions 
      • Briefly describe this nominee’s strengths in relation to the criteria for this award and in particular, how these strengths were used to enhance their teaching of e-learners.
      • Briefly describe how this nominee displays a genuine love of children and commitment to their learning.
      • Briefly describe how this nominee demonstrates best practices in teaching and in supporting e-learners.
      • Briefly describe this nominee’s involvement in our schools and community, beyond regular duties.
  • Submit one or more letters of support which share personal observations of how the nominee demonstrates a commitment to child-centered excellence. It is suggested that letters be from both an employee and non-employee of the District.
  • One finalist from each school (two from MHS) and MCEC are selected by a recognition committee at each site and shall be notified in late April.

The nomination deadline is February 28, 2025.

Submit Your Nomination

Celebration of Excellence

The Awards

Past Recipients