Physical Education

The District requires all students to successfully complete two semesters of physical education: One fitness and one wellness course. These courses may be completed during any grade 9-12. Students taking physical education have an opportunity to explore many ways to exercise. Our courses offer a variety of interests that best meets the needs of each individual student, in person or online. All courses with A or B in the course title meet part of the PE requirement. If you have questions about how PE fits in to your plan at MHS, please contact your counselor.

Course Listing

To filter courses by grade level, please type your grade (Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12) into the search bar above and click "search."

Body-Mind Rejuvenation B

Course: #6714
Grade(s) Offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Physical Education credit. 
Prerequisites: No prerequisite, students need both an A and B Physical Education course to meet graduation requirements.

This course is designed to provide students with a lower intensity, stress relieving experience that mirrors many of the popular studio classes found in local health clubs.

Read More about Body-Mind Rejuvenation B
Dance B

Course: #6716 
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12 
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Physical Education credit.
Prerequisites: No prerequisite, students need both an A and B Physical Education course to meet graduation requirements.

This course offers students the opportunity to participate and explore the world of dance, as well as enjoy the physical benefits of dance activity.

Read More about Dance B
Discovering Leadership

Course: #6202
Grades offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: None

Discovering Leadership is a course designed for the deep exploration in leadership of both self and others, challenging students to become a difference-maker.

Read More about Discovering Leadership
Fitness A

Tonka Online Course: #T6798*, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
Grade(s) offered: grade 11, grade 12 (9th and 10th graders can take Tonka Online PE Courses over the summer or as an additional 7th hour course, with counselor approval, for an additional fee)
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Physical Education credit. 
Prerequisites: None. Fees apply if taken as a 7th hour or summer class outside of the student's normal schedule.

Online Fitness creates an opportunity for students to extend their learning around a school-sponsored sport or lifetime fitness activity outside of school.

Read More about Fitness A
Integrated Physical Education

Course: #6705
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Physical Education credit.
Prerequisites: None

Lifetime sports and activities is a class designed to encourage and motivate students to maintain an active lifestyle that promotes healthy and beneficial activities later in life.

Read More about Lifetime Sports & Activities A
Peak Performance B

Course: #6718
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12 
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: No prerequisite, students need both an A and B Physical Education course to meet graduation requirements.

Peak Performance B is designed to provide students with an opportunity to strength-train using the Pagel Center weight room facility.

Read More about Peak Performance B
Sports Fit A

Course: #6702
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Physical Education credit. 
Prerequisites: None

The emphasis in Sports Fit A is on sport activities while incorporating cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility concepts.

Read More about Sports Fit A
Strength Fit A

Course: #6704
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Physical Education credit.    
Prerequisites: None

Strength Fit will provide students the opportunity to learn the most comprehensive progressive resistance exercise methodologies and evidence-based strength training principles.

Read More about Strength Fit A
Team and Dual Sports B

Course: #6708
Grade(s) Offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Physical Education credit. 
Prerequisites: No prerequisite, students need both an A and B Physical Education course to meet graduation requirements.

This curriculum is designed to enhance students’ interest in a variety of lifetime sports and fitness activities.

Read More about Team and Dual Sports B
The Mix A

Course: #6700
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Physical Education credit.     
Prerequisites: None 

The emphasis in The Mix A is getting a variety of fitness activities while incorporating strength, flexibility, mindful meditation, and sport concepts.

Read More about The Mix A
The Mix B

Course: #6712
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12 
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: No prerequisite, students need both an A and B Physical Education course to meet graduation requirements.

This course offers students an opportunity to participate and enjoy the benefits of fitness- and cardio-based activities.

Read More about The Mix B
Integrated Physical Education

Course: #6720
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Physical Education credit or an elective credit..
Prerequisites: No prerequisite, students need both an A and B Physical Education course to meet graduation requirements. Teacher recommendation needed to enroll.

Application Form: An application form is required before registering for this course; fill it out here.

Unified Physical Education is peer partner class for students with and without disabilities. In this class, you'll have the opportunity to put inclusion in action on a daily basis...and get active at the same time!

Read More about Unified Physical Education B
Wellness Program B

Tonka Online Course: #T6799*, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
Grade(s) offered: grade 11, grade 12 (9th and 10th graders can take Tonka Online PE Courses over the summer or as an additional 7th hour course, with counselor approval, for an additional fee)
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Physical Education credit. 
Prerequisites: One Fitness A course. Fees apply for summer.

Online Wellness creates an opportunity for students to extend their learning around a school-sponsored sport or lifetime fitness activity outside of school.

Read More about Wellness Program B
Yoga Fit A

Course: #6706
Tonka Online Course: #T6706
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
(9th and 10th graders can take Tonka Online PE Courses as an additional 7th hour course, with counselor approval, for an additional fee)
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Physical Education credit. 
Prerequisites: No prerequisite, students need both an A and B Physical Education course to meet graduation requirements.    

The emphasis in Yoga Fit is on flexibility fitness while incorporating cardiovascular, strength, and mindful practices.

Read More about Yoga Fit A
soccer ball on grass