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In support of the Minnetonka School Board goals, the District has engaged in a careful exploration of student interests, future workforce preparedness and potential post-secondary opportunities in the skilled trades. With special thanks to our student focus groups, Trades Advisory Board, staff and administrators, MOMENTUM was launched with expanded opportunities in technology education beginning in the 2020-21 school year.

"MOMENTUM" captures the hands-on, forward motion and forward thinking that is part of this work. It's broad and expandable as we grow the offerings of this program.

MOMENTUM offers students:

  • a full aviation program
  • an expanded number of elective Automotive courses
  • a new strand of applied courses, including Mathematics in Home Renovation - a two hour experiential learning course that includes both core (Math) and elective (Home Renovation) credit.
  • connections to local businesses
  • awareness of trade and technical school offerings
  • Senior Capstone experience for students who complete an advanced-level course

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Course Listing

To filter courses by grade level, please type your grade (Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12) into the search bar above and click "search."

Automotive Braking Systems

Course: #M6502
Grade(s) offered: 10-12
Credits: .5 (per semester)
Prerequisites: Automotive Career Investigations or Power and Energy

Course Description: The Brake Systems course is one of four advanced level automotive courses to give students a next level experience once they have completed Automotive Investigation.  The goal of these courses is to teach at a rigorous industry standard level.  Rigorous training will prepare students for post-secondary education, part-time entry level employment, or to perform high level repairs on their own vehicles. 

Read More about Automotive Braking Systems
Automotive Career Investigation

Course: # M6500
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: .5 (per semester) 

Course Description: Automotive investigation will expose students to the vast array of careers related to the automotive industry.  Automotive technology will be a primary focus.  Students will also learn about other careers such as automobile sales, parts sales, finance, and careers outside of a repair facility or dealership.

Read More about Automotive Career Investigation
Automotive Electrical/Electronic Systems

Course: #M6508 
Grade(s) offered: 10-12
Credits: .5 (per semester)
Prerequisites: Automotive Career Investigations or Power and Energy

Course Description: The Electrical/Electronic Systems course is one of four advanced level automotive courses to give students a next level experience once they have completed Automotive Investigation.  The goal of these courses is to teach at a rigorous industry standard level.  Rigorous training will prepare students for post-secondary education, part-time entry level employment, or to perform high level repairs on their own vehicles

Read More about Automotive Electrical/Electronic Systems
Automotive Engine Performance

Course: #M6504 
Grade(s) offered: 10-12
Credits: .5 (per semester)
Prerequisites: Automotive Career Investigations or Power and Energy

Course Description: The Engine Performance course is one of four advanced level automotive courses to give students a next level experience once they have completed Automotive Investigation.  The goal of these courses is to teach at a rigorous industry standard level.  Rigorous training will prepare students for post-secondary education, part-time entry level employment, or to perform high level repairs on their own vehicles. 

Read More about Automotive Engine Performance
Automotive Steering and Suspension Systems

Course: #M6506 
Grade(s) offered: 10-12
Credits: .5 (per semester)
Prerequisites: Automotive Career Investigations or Power and Energy

Course Description: The Steering and Suspension Systems course is one of four advanced level automotive courses to give students a next level experience once they have completed Automotive Investigation.  The goal of these courses is to teach at a rigorous industry standard level.  Rigorous training will prepare students for post-secondary education, part-time entry level employment, or to perform high level repairs on their own vehicles. 

Read More about Automotive Steering and Suspension Systems
Flight Instruction and World History

Course: #M7100
Grade(s) offered:  Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits:  2.0 (year-long course, 2 hours)

  • 1.0 High School Credit of World History
  • 1.0 Elective Credit Flight Training  

Explore the connection of world history and aviation in "Aviation Through Time." From ancient civilizations to modern flight simulations, unravel historical threads, pilot virtual aircraft, and witness the dynamic interplay that has shaped societies and skies alike. Engage in a transformative interdisciplinary adventure.

Read More about Flight Instruction and World History
a single pilot flying a passenger plane.

Course: #M7200
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 2.0 Credits

  • Flight Training II (1.0 elective credit)
  • Global Studies and Economics (.5 Core Social Studies) 
  • Meteorology  (.5 Elective credit) 

Prerequisites: 0.5 credit in an Intro to Aviation course (Flight Simulation or UAS/Drones) OR 1.0 credits in Flight Training I from Flight Instruction Through Time

This is a year-long, dual-taught course for students with prior simulated flight training. This course explores advanced flight training scenarios,  meteorology, and the global economic impact of aviation, emphasizing flight operations and economic principles.

Read More about Flight Training and Global Commerce
Mathematics in Home Renovation

Course: #M4056, S1 (math)
Course: #M4058, S2 (math)
Course: #M6456, S1 (renovation)
Course: #M6458, S2 (renovation)
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 2.0 (two-hour, full-year course)
Students will be registered for both Home Renovation (technology education course) and Applied Mathematics as part of Mathematics in Home Renovation. Fulfills the core math requirement.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Higher Algebra

Mathematics in Home Renovation will allow students to experience a hands-on approach to real world mathematical problems in functions, statistics, and geometry. This offering includes a core mathematics class with graduation credit upon successful completion.

*Please note that as of May 2022, the NCAA has not sanctioned this class as NCAA eligible*

Read More about Mathematics in Home Renovation
Physics of Home Renovation

Course: #M3036, S1 (physics)
Course: #M3038, S2 (physics)
Course: #M6450, S1 (renovation)
Course: #M6452, S2 (renovation)
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: .5 (per semester, full-year course, two hours) 
Students will be registered for both Home Renovation (technology education course) and Applied Physics (science course) as part of Physics in Home Renovation. Fulfills the Physics science requirement.
Prerequisites: None

Hands-on course designed to give a working conceptual view of the Trades Industry. Modern Physics/Home Renovation concepts will be taught by incorporating the key principles of physics through the lens of design with a focus on project-based assessments.

Read More about Physics in Home Renovation
Transportation Careers and Global Commerce

Course: M6499
Course: M2016
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: .5 Social Studies, .5 Elective 
Students will be registered for both Automotive Career Investigation (technology education course) and Global Studies and Economics (social studies course) as part of Transportation Careers and Global Commerce.
Prerequisites: None

This co-taught strand of two courses covers the global economic impact of transportation with a particular emphasis on the automobile. 

Read More about Transportation Careers and Global Commerce
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MHS is PLTW Certified

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In Project Lead the Way (PLTW) courses, students apply concepts of engineering, architecture, science, math, and technology to solve complex, open-ended problems in a real-world context. PLTW is highly respected by universities and provides students the opportunity to earn college credit at Minnesota universities.

Learn more about Project Lead the Way

Academic Standards

Minnetonka Public Schools adheres to academic standards developed by the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE).

View MDE Academic Standards