
The mathematics department at MHS offers a variety of courses that range from basic math skills to AP and IB college-level mathematics. Due to the structured and sequential nature of mathematics, good attendance and a commitment to daily homework are requirements for all mathematics classes. Failure to complete one of these sequences in high school means that the student will have to complete it in college prior to taking calculus.

Course Listing

Accelerated AP Statistics (Tonka Online)

Tonka Online Course: #T4104*, Tonka Online**
*Select term S=summer, F=fall
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: Successful completion (B- or better) of Math Studies, Functions, Stats & Trig, Pre-Calculus or teacher recommendation

This course teaches the 10 topics of statistics in a one semester accelerated fashion. It is designed to be in addition to the normal 4 year math sequence and is only offered as a 0.5 credit class.

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Algebra of Lines

Course: #4000, S1
Course: #4002, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: Per state statute, neither semester counts toward math credit; elective credit only.
Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation

This course an overview of linear relationships, equations, and graphs, variables and plotting points, basic probability. It is generally equivalent to a traditional Pre-Algebra course.

Read More about Algebra of Lines
AP Calculus AB

Course: #AP404, S1
Course: #AP406, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites:  B+ or better in Precalculus, B or Better in Precalculus Honors, or Successful completion Calculus

This course is equivalent to a first semester of college calculus. It is focused on single variable differential and integral calculus and applications.

Read More about AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC

Course: #AP408, S1
Course: #AP410, S2
Grade(s) offered: grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: .5 (per semester)
Prerequisites: C or better in AP Calculus AB or A- or better in Calculus

This course is equivalent to a second semester college calculus course. It includes review of AP Calculus AB along with advanced integration and differentiation techniques.

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AP Precalculus

Course: #AP412, S1
Course: #AP414, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: A in Higher Algebra or B+ or better in Higher Algebra Honors

The skills learned in this course are foundational not only for success in required college math courses, but also to careers in math, physics, biology, health science, data science and social science.

Read More about AP Precalculus
AP Statistics

Course: #AP400, S1
Course: #AP402, S2
Online Option: #T4100* part 1, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
Online Option: #T4102* part 2, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
Must complete part 1 before part 2.This course can also be taken as part of VANTAGE #V100 (choose one).
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: None

This course is a college level study of the statistical topics of experimental design, data analysis, and methods of inference.

Read More about AP Statistics

Course: #4044, S1
Course: #4046, S2
Tonka Online Course: #T4044, S1
Tonka Online Course: #T4046, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Completion of Precalculus

This course is a study of the fundamental topics of differential and integral Calculus.

Read More about Calculus
College Algebra

Course: #4056, S1
Course: #4058, S2
Grade(s) Offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Students who successfully complete the course with a C- or better and follow the proper steps may be eligible to earn dual credit through a local community college.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Higher Algebra or Honors Higher Algebra

This is a college-level algebra course that emphasizes properties of functions and their graphs. Linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions are covered.

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Functions, Statistics & Trigonometry

Course: #4028, S1
Course: #4030, S2
Online Option: #T4028* part 1, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
Online Option: #T4030* part 2, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
*Online, complete part 1 before part 2.
Grade(s) offered: 
grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Higher Algebra

A bridge between Higher Algebra and Precalculus, builds on algebra foundations and further prepares students for Precalculus or Statistics.

Read More about Functions, Statistics & Trigonometry

Course: #4012, S1    
#4014, S2
Online Option: #T4012 part 1, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer*, F=fall, W=winter
Online Option: #T4014 part 2, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer*, F=fall, W=winter
*Contact the advanced learning staff in your building for the registration process for summer math courses.
Grade(s) offered: grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: #3006 Successful completion of Quadratic Algebra or 8th grade Algebra

This course includes all Geometry topics addressed by the Minnesota state math standards and their algebraic connections.

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Geometry Honors

Course: #4016, S1
Course: #4018, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: B+ or better in Quadratic Algebra or 8th grade Algebra

This course includes all Geometry topics addressed by the Minnesota state math standards including additional depth and application, along with algebraic connections.

Read More about Geometry Honors
Higher Algebra

Course: #4020, S1
Course: #4022, S2
Online Option: #T4020*, part 1, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
Online Option: #T4022*, part 2, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
*Online, complete part 1 before part 2.
Grade(s) offered:
 Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12  
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: None

This two-semester course is an alternative to Higher Algebra Honors (4024, 4026). The distinction between this course and Higher Algebra Honors is the pacing at which the above content is covered.

Read More about Higher Algebra
Higher Algebra Honors

Course: #4024, S1
Course: #4026, S2
Online Option: #T4024* part 1, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
Online Option: #T4026* part 2, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
*Online, complete part 1 before part 2.
Grade(s) offered:
 Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12 
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: B+ or better in Geometry, B or better in Honors Geometry, or teacher recommendation.

This course reviews and extends basic concepts learned in Algebra and Geometry.

Read More about Higher Algebra Honors
IB Math Analysis and Approaches SL or HL Year 1

SL Course: #IB400, S1
SL Course: #IB402, S2
HL Course: #IB404, S1
HL Course: #IB406, S2
Grade(s) offered: 10-12
Credits: 1.0 (year-long course)
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Honors Pre-Calculus or a B+ or better in Pre-Calculus. For HL successful completion of SL.

This course is designed for students who enjoy developing their mathematics to become fluent in the construction of mathematical arguments and develop strong skills in mathematical thinking. They will explore real and abstract applications, sometimes with technology.

Read More about IB Math Analysis and Approaches SL or HL Year 1
IB Math Applications and Interpretations SL Year 1

SL Course: #IB408, S1
SL Course: #IB410, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Successful completion of FST or Precalculus. For HL successful completion of SL. 

This course is for students who are interested in developing their mathematics for describing our world, modeling and solving practical problems using the power of technology.

Read More about IB Math Applications and Interpretations SL Year 1
Mathematics in Home Renovation

Course: #M4056, S1 (math)
Course: #M4058, S2 (math)
Course: #M6456, S1 (renovation)
Course: #M6458, S2 (renovation)
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 2.0 (two-hour, full-year course)
Students will be registered for both Home Renovation (technology education course) and Applied Mathematics as part of Mathematics in Home Renovation. Fulfills the core math requirement.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Higher Algebra

Mathematics in Home Renovation will allow students to experience a hands-on approach to real world mathematical problems in functions, statistics, and geometry. This offering includes a core mathematics class with graduation credit upon successful completion.

*Please note that as of May 2022, the NCAA has not sanctioned this class as NCAA eligible*

Read More about Mathematics in Home Renovation
Multivariable Calculus

Course: #4048, S1
Course: #4050, S2
Grades Offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Students who successfully complete the course with a C- or better and follow the proper steps may be eligible to earn dual credit through a local community college.
Prerequisites: AP Calculus BC Semester 1 and 2; Passing score of 3, 4 or 5 on the AP BC exam or IB Mathematics AA HL Year 2

This third semester college calculus course includes differential and integral calculus in two or more variables.

Read More about Multivariable Calculus
Pre-AP Calculus

Tonka Online Course: #T7206S, summer only
Grade(s) offered: grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (summer course)
Prerequisites: Completion of Precalculus

This course does not count toward the state graduation requirement of 3.0 credits of math.

A half-credit summer online course focused on learning essential introductory calculus skills and concepts. 

Read More about Pre-AP Calculus
Pre-AP Statistics: Functions, Statistics & Trigonometry

Tonka Online Course: #T7208S, summer only
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (summer course)
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Higher Algebra or Higher Algebra Honors

This course does count toward the state graduation requirement of 3.0 credits of math.

A half-credit summer online course focused on reviewing statistical analysis skills in preparation for the AP Statistics course.

Read More about Pre-AP Statistics: Functions, Statistics & Trigonometry

Course: #4032, S1
Course: #4034, S2
Online Option: #T4032* part 1, Tonka Online 
*Select term F=fall, W=winter, , S=Summer
Online Option: #T4034* part 2, Tonka Online 
*Select term F=fall, W=winter, , S=Summer
*Online, complete part 1 before part 2.
Grade(s) offered: grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: B+ or better in Higher Algebra or B or better in Higher Algebra Honors or Functions, Stats & Trig or FST

This course is an advanced study of functions, graphs, and trigonometry intended to prepare students for the study of Calculus.

Read More about Precalculus
Precalculus Honors

Course: #4036, S1
Course: #4038, S2
Online Option: #T4036*, part 1, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
Online Option: #T4038*, part 2, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
*Online, complete part 1 before part 2.
Grade(s) offered:
 Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: A in Higher Algebra or B+ or better in Higher Algebra Honors

This course is for students who have a strong interest in advanced math. In this course, students study precalculus which has a strong emphasis on functions and trigonometry.

Read More about Precalculus Honors
Precalculus Prep: Functions, Statistics & Trigonometry

Tonka Online Course: #T7210S, summer only
Grade(s) offered: grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (summer course)
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Higher Algebra or Higher Algebra Honors

This course does count toward the state graduation requirement of 3.0 credits of math.

A half-credit summer course to prepare students for precalculus after completion of higher algebra.

Read More about Precalculus Prep: Functions, Statistics & Trigonometry
Quadratic Algebra

Course: #4004, S1
Course: #4006, S2
Online Option: #T4004* part 1, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
Online Option: #T4006* part 2, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
*Online, complete part 1 before part 2.
Grade(s) offered:
 grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: C or better in Algebra of Lines

This course is equivalent to a first year Algebra course plus additional emphasis on quadratic relationships.

Read More about Quadratic Algebra

Course: #4040, S1
Course: #4042, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Higher Algebra (C or better)

This is a course involves guided application of the study of statistics including: experimental design, data analysis, and methods of inference.

Read More about Statistics
Students showing off their dress design.