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Course Listing

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Accelerated AP Statistics (Tonka Online)

Tonka Online Course: #T4104*, Tonka Online**
*Select term S=summer, F=fall
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: Successful completion (B- or better) of Math Studies, Functions, Stats & Trig, Pre-Calculus or teacher recommendation

This course teaches the 10 topics of statistics in a one semester accelerated fashion. It is designed to be in addition to the normal 4 year math sequence and is only offered as a 0.5 credit class.

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Accounting I

Course: #6100
Tonka Online Course: #T6100
Grade(s) offered: grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: None

Accounting is an essential business course for students planning to study business in college that introduces students to basic accounting principles and procedures.

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Advanced Engineering Design II

Course: #6421 
Grade(s) offered: 11-12 
Credits: .5 (per semester) 
Prerequisites: Grade of B+ or higher in Advanced Engineering Design

Course Description: Engineering Design and Development (EDD) is the capstone course in the Minnetonka high school engineering program. It is an open-ended engineering research course in which students work to design and develop an original solution to a well-defined and justified open-ended problem by applying the engineering design process.

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Advanced Video Game Design

Course: #6510
Tonka Online Course: #T6510
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: Video Game Design

Advanced Video Game Design is a course in game design and development that engages students in a real life game development company.

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Airbrush I

Course: #6426
Grade(s) offered: 9-12
Credits: .5 (per semester)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit 
Prerequisites: None

This course will help students learn airbrush techniques that will expand their artistic expression and bring professionalism to their graphic products.

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Airbrush II

Course: #6428
Grade(s) offered: 10-12
Credits: .5 (per semester)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit 
Prerequisites: .5 credit in Airbrush I

This course will allow students to take what they have learned in Airbrush I to a new level.

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Algebra of Lines

Course: #4000, S1
Course: #4002, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: Per state statute, neither semester counts toward math credit; elective credit only.
Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation

This course an overview of linear relationships, equations, and graphs, variables and plotting points, basic probability. It is generally equivalent to a traditional Pre-Algebra course.

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American Popular Music

Tonka Online Course: #T6699
Grade(s) offered: grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12    
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit
Prerequisite: An interest in music

American Popular Music is a one-term course designed for students who would like to explore the history of popular music in the United States from the early 19th century to today.

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American Sign Language I

Course: #5000, S1
Course: #5002, S2
Tonka Online Course: #T5000*
*Select term S=summer, F=fall
Tonka Online Course: #T5002*
*Select term S=summer, W=winter
*Online, complete part 1 before part 2.
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: None

Students in this course are introduced to American Sign Language and Deaf culture, focusing on frequently used signs.

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Sign Language

Course: #5004, S1
Course: #5006, S2
Tonka Online Course: #T5004*
*Select term S=summer, F=fall
Tonka Online Course: #T5006*
*Select term S=summer, W=winter
*Online, complete part 1 before part 2.
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12    
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: ASL I 

Students expand their sign vocabulary, grammar, and deaf culture using appropriate facial expressions and body movements taught in level I.

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American Sign Language III

Course: #5008, S1
Course: #5010, S2
Tonka Online Course: #T5008F, S1
Tonka Online Course: #T5010W, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: ASL II 

American Sign Language III will expand upon level two learning which includes vocabulary, sign production, grammar, and deaf culture.

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Map of America

Course: #1022 - English, S1    
Course: #1024 - English, S2
Course: #2008 - Social Studies, S1
Course: #2010 - Social Studies, S2
*Students must register for all four courses.
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Any English 9 Course Concurrent enrollment in Social Studies 2012 & 2013

This honors-level interdisciplinary course meets across two class periods and fulfills the requirements for both 10th grade social studies and English.

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Map of America

Course: #1022 - English, S1    
Course: #1024 - English, S2
Course: #2008 - Social Studies, S1
Course: #2010 - Social Studies, S2
*Students must register for all four courses.
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10
Credits: .5 (per semester)
Prerequisites: Any English 9 Course Concurrent enrollment in Social Studies 2012 & 2013

This honors-level interdisciplinary course meets across two class periods and fulfills the requirements for both 10th grade social studies and English.

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AP Art History

Tonka Online Course: #T6094F, part 1
Tonka Online Course: #T6096W, part 2
Grade(s) offered: grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 1.0 (year-long course)
 This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit      
*Online, complete part 1 before part 2.
Prerequisites: None

AP Art History allows students to examine major forms of artistic expression relevant to a variety of cultures in a wide variety of times periods.

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AP Biology

Course: #AP320, S1
Course: #AP322, S2    
Grade(s) offered: grade 11, grade 12 
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Chemistry

Advanced Placement Biology is designed to provide learning experiences equivalent to a first-year college biology course.

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AP Calculus AB

Course: #AP404, S1
Course: #AP406, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites:  B+ or better in Precalculus, B or Better in Precalculus Honors, or Successful completion Calculus

This course is equivalent to a first semester of college calculus. It is focused on single variable differential and integral calculus and applications.

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AP Calculus BC

Course: #AP408, S1
Course: #AP410, S2
Grade(s) offered: grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: .5 (per semester)
Prerequisites: C or better in AP Calculus AB or A- or better in Calculus

This course is equivalent to a second semester college calculus course. It includes review of AP Calculus AB along with advanced integration and differentiation techniques.

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AP Chemistry

Course: #AP304, S1
Course: #AP306, S2
Grade(s) offered: grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: A or B in Earth Science Honors and Higher Algebra 

AP Chemistry teaches the concepts and applications of first-year college Chemistry. A process of problem solving is continually modeled and It is expected that students electing this course will take the AP Exam.

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AP Comparative Government 

Course: #AP216
Tonka Online Course: #T2108 
Grade(s) offered: grade 11, grade 12    
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)  
Prerequisites: None    

This college-level course analyzes the political systems of the United Kingdom, Russia, China, Mexico, Nigeria and Iran. By examining these six countries, students will develop an understanding of political concepts and themes.

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AP Computer Science A

Course: #AP650, S1
Course: #AP652, S2
Grade(s) offered: grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: AP Computer Science Principles strongly recommended, or prior coding experience; B or better in Higher Algebra, Higher Algebra Honors, or Instructor’s permission

AP Computer Science A is equivalent to a first-semester, college-level course in computer science. The course introduces students to computer science fundamentals, focusing on object-oriented programming languages.

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AP Computer Science Principles

Course: #AP654, S1
Course: #AP656, S2
Tonka Online Course: #T6500F, part 1
Tonka Online Course: #T6502W, part 2
Online, complete part 1 before part 2
This course can also be taken through VANTAGE #V500 (choose one)
Grades Offered:  grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: C or better in Algebra; Introduction to Computer Science is recommended but not required
Computer Science Principles introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science and challenges them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world.

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AP Environmental Science

Tonka Online Course: #T3100*, part 1, Tonka Online 
*Select term F=fall
Tonka Online Course: #T3102*, part 2, Tonka Online 
*Select term W=winter
*Online, complete part 1 before part 2.
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Biology or concurrent enrollment in Biology

This is a multidisciplinary course for students interested in the world’s natural environment and related issues.

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AP European History

Course: #AP208, S1
Course: #AP210, S2
Online Option: #T2112F, Tonka Online
Online Option: #T2114W, Tonka Online
Grade(s) offered: grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
*Online, complete part 1 before part 2.
Prerequisites: Contemporary U.S. History; AP U.S. History; American Studies 10 Honors (B or better)

This class will survey the major trends and events in European history from the Renaissance (1350) to present day.

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AP French V 

Course: #AP500, S1
Course: #AP502, S2 
Grade(s) offered: Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: French IV and permission from the instructor or IB French SL

The course provides students with opportunities to connect with Francophone culture using the three modes of communication (interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational) in a variety of tasks.

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AP Human Geography

Course: #AP200, S1
Course: #AP202, S2
Grade: Grade 9
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: B+ or better in 8th grade English and Social Studies

Human Geography is the study of humans and their interaction with their surroundings. An emphasis on spatial concepts and landscape analysis to examine human social organization and its environmental consequences are the guiding ideas behind this course.

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Minnetonka AP Language and Composition 10

Course: #AP100, S1
Course: #AP101, S2
Grade(s) offered: grade 10
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Any English 9 Course

Students will analyze a broad and challenging range of fiction and nonfiction prose and trace the use of rhetoric in making arguments and appeals. Students will read and examine essays, letters, speeches, images, media messages, memoirs, and autobiographies from a variety of authors and historical contexts.

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AP Language and Composition 12

Course: #AP104
Online Option: #T1100*, Tonka Online 
*Select term F=fall, W=winter 
Grade(s) offered: Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: Any English 11 Course

In this course, students read and examine a broad range of nonfiction prose including essays, letters, speeches, images, media messages, memoirs, and autobiographies from a variety of authors and historical contexts.

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AP Literature and Composition

Course: #AP102, S1
Course: #AP103, S2    
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Any English 10 or 11 Course

This course emphasizes perceptive readings of major British and American Literature representing all literary genres—poetry, drama, novel, short story—covering the 17th to the 21st Century.

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AP Macroeconomics 

Course: #AP218
Online Option: #T2106W, Tonka Online
*Select term S=Summer, W=winter
Grade(s) offered: grade 11, grade 12    
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: None    

Students will study economic growth, inflation, unemployment, foreign trade, monetary, and fiscal policies at a college freshman level.

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AP Music Theory

Course: #AP660
Grade(s) offered: grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit    
Prerequisites: A or B in Theory 1 or pretest/application prior to registration

Music Theory 2 is a one-term class designed for students who have some experience in music but want to further develop and increase skills in reading, writing, listening, and analyzing music. It is also designed to prepare students interested in studying music at the post-secondary level.

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AP Physics 1 - Grade 9

Course: #AP300, S1
Course: #AP302, S2   
Grade(s) offered:
grade 9
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in English 9 Honors Communications

AP Physics 1 - Grade 9 is an algebra-based physics course designed to develop deep understanding of the content and apply knowledge through inquiry-based labs. The English course focuses on preparing students for future research opportunities and for learning how to communicate in a technical and professional manner.

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AP Physics C-Mechanics

Tonka Online Course: #T3104W
Grade(s) offered: grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (Spring semester only)
Prerequisites: Have completed or be concurrently enrolled in both AP Physics 1 AND a calculus course.
This semester-long Tonka Online course is for students who have already taken AP Physics 1 and wish to take the AP Physics C: Mechanics test.

This course covers mechanics topics with a calculus lens in a self-paced/teacher-guided online format. These topics are Kinematics, Newton’s Laws, Work/Energy/Power, Momentum, Rotation, and Oscillations.

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AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism with Topics in Modern Physics

Course: #AP324, S1
Course: #AP326, S2    
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
This course completes 1.0 of a Science credit.
Prerequisites: Calculus course and AP Physics 1 (or another physics course with teacher recommendation).

AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism is equivalent to a second semester calculus-based college physics course.

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AP Physics C: Mechanics

Course #AP328, S1
Course #AP330, S2    
Grade(s) offered: 
Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Calculus (completed or concurrent) 
This is a year-long course offered at MHS.

AP Physics C: Mechanics is the equivalent of a first-semester college course in calculus-based physics. The course covers Kinematics, Newton’s Laws, Work/Energy/Power, Momentum, Rotation, Oscillations.

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AP Precalculus

Course: #AP412, S1
Course: #AP414, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: A in Higher Algebra or B+ or better in Higher Algebra Honors

The skills learned in this course are foundational not only for success in required college math courses, but also to careers in math, physics, biology, health science, data science and social science.

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AP Psychology 

Course: #AP220
Online Option: #T2100, Tonka Online 
This course may also be taken as part of VANTAGE #V200
Grade(s) offered: grade 11, grade 12    
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: None    

Psychology is the study of behavior and mental process. This AP class is an introduction to college-level Psychology using a college text, “collegiate-style” pace and classroom climate, and college-level exams.

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AP Research

Course: #AP107, S1
Course: #AP108, S2
Grade(s) offered: grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: AP Seminar during junior year

AP Research allows students to deeply explore an academic topic, problem, or issue of individual interest. Through this exploration, students design, plan, and conduct a year-long research based investigation to address a research question.

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AP Seminar

Course: #AP105, S1
Course: #AP106, S2
This course may also be taken through VANTAGE #V102, Global Business or VANTAGE #V700, Public Policy (choose only one)
Grade(s) offered: grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Any English 10 or 11 Course

AP Seminar is a foundational course that engages students in cross-curricular conversations that explore the complexities of academic and real-world topics and issues by analyzing divergent perspectives.

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AP Spanish V Language & Culture

Course: #AP504, S1
Course: #AP506, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: IB Spanish SL or Spanish IV

The AP Spanish Language and Culture course allows students to use their developing language skills in new and authentic ways. Students encounter and analyze a variety of texts on a weekly basis.

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AP Statistics

Course: #AP400, S1
Course: #AP402, S2
Online Option: #T4100* part 1, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
Online Option: #T4102* part 2, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
Must complete part 1 before part 2.This course can also be taken as part of VANTAGE #V100 (choose one).
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: None

This course is a college level study of the statistical topics of experimental design, data analysis, and methods of inference.

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AP Studio Art

Course: #AP602, S1
Course: #AP603, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 1.0 (year-long course)
This course fulfills the Arts requirement. 
Prerequisites: Successful completion of two or more semesters of art; Drawing highly recommended

In AP Studio Art you create a portfolio to turn in for the AP Studio Art Exam. The portfolio will be Drawing, 2D or 3D.

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AP U.S. Government and Politics

Course: #AP214
Online Option: #T2110, Tonka Online 
Grade(s) offered: grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course) 
Prerequisites: None

Through readings, research, discussions, field experiences, and media presentations, students will study political ideologies, parties, campaigns, elections, interest groups, bureaucracy, civil liberties, role of the media, the judicial, legislative and executive processes, and the creation of public policy.

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AP United States History 

Course: #AP204, S1
Course: #AP206, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Civics and Human Geography; AP Human Geography 

Students complete advanced level reading, writing, and analysis on topics in the history of the U.S. Reading assignments come from a college-level text, and students work with others to become more skilled at writing historical essays.

Read More about AP United States History 
AP World History

Course: #AP224, S1
Course: #AP225, S2
Online Option:#T2102F, part 1, Tonka Online 
Online Option:#T2104W, part 2, Tonka Online 
Grades Offered: grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Contemporary U.S. History; AP U.S. History; American Studies 10 Honors (grade B or better)

Students complete advanced level reading, writing, and analysis on topics in World History.

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Apparel Construction I

Course: #6304
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: None

Apparel Construction is for the student who has a passion for fashion and apparel and wishes to create their own clothing and fashion items. Learn sewing techniques and develop skills that are used in basic clothing construction.

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Apparel Construction II

Course: #6305
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: Apparel Construction I

This course builds upon the techniques learned in Apparel Construction I as students construct a variety of individual garment projects. Challenge yourself with more advanced & technical skills used in clothing construction.

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Architectural Drafting/Design

Course: #6414, S1
Course: #6416, S2
Grade(s) offered: 10-12    
Credits: .5 (per semester)
This course requires completion of S1 and S2 to earn .5 Arts Credit 
Prerequisites: None

This course instructs students in architectural design trends giving them a practical, hands-on experience in structural design, interior design, and floor planning.

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Raspberry Pi for AI and Machine Learning

Course: #6518, S1
Grade(s) offered: 9-12
Credits: .5 (per semester)
Prerequisites: Students should have successfully completed “Programming with Python”, “AP Computer Science A”, or self-study of the Python programming language.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning are used to add intelligence to technology solutions. This course introduces the concepts and tools used in AI and machine learning.

Read More about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Course: #3026
Tonka Online Course: #T3026
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12 
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 of a Science credit.   
Prerequisites: None

In this class, we will cover a wide variety of subjects ranging from star gazing and constellations to planets, stars, galaxies, and black holes. We will spend time each day discussing current events in space travel and the latest discoveries in astronomy.

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Automotive Braking Systems

Course: #M6502
Grade(s) offered: 10-12
Credits: .5 (per semester)
Prerequisites: Automotive Career Investigations or Power and Energy

Course Description: The Brake Systems course is one of four advanced level automotive courses to give students a next level experience once they have completed Automotive Investigation.  The goal of these courses is to teach at a rigorous industry standard level.  Rigorous training will prepare students for post-secondary education, part-time entry level employment, or to perform high level repairs on their own vehicles. 

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Automotive Career Investigation

Course: # M6500
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: .5 (per semester) 

Course Description: Automotive investigation will expose students to the vast array of careers related to the automotive industry.  Automotive technology will be a primary focus.  Students will also learn about other careers such as automobile sales, parts sales, finance, and careers outside of a repair facility or dealership.

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Automotive Electrical/Electronic Systems

Course: #M6508 
Grade(s) offered: 10-12
Credits: .5 (per semester)
Prerequisites: Automotive Career Investigations or Power and Energy

Course Description: The Electrical/Electronic Systems course is one of four advanced level automotive courses to give students a next level experience once they have completed Automotive Investigation.  The goal of these courses is to teach at a rigorous industry standard level.  Rigorous training will prepare students for post-secondary education, part-time entry level employment, or to perform high level repairs on their own vehicles

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Automotive Engine Performance

Course: #M6504 
Grade(s) offered: 10-12
Credits: .5 (per semester)
Prerequisites: Automotive Career Investigations or Power and Energy

Course Description: The Engine Performance course is one of four advanced level automotive courses to give students a next level experience once they have completed Automotive Investigation.  The goal of these courses is to teach at a rigorous industry standard level.  Rigorous training will prepare students for post-secondary education, part-time entry level employment, or to perform high level repairs on their own vehicles. 

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Automotive Steering and Suspension Systems

Course: #M6506 
Grade(s) offered: 10-12
Credits: .5 (per semester)
Prerequisites: Automotive Career Investigations or Power and Energy

Course Description: The Steering and Suspension Systems course is one of four advanced level automotive courses to give students a next level experience once they have completed Automotive Investigation.  The goal of these courses is to teach at a rigorous industry standard level.  Rigorous training will prepare students for post-secondary education, part-time entry level employment, or to perform high level repairs on their own vehicles. 

Read More about Automotive Steering and Suspension Systems
Band 9

Course: #6600, S1
Course: #6601, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Completion of both courses fulfills the Arts required credit  
Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of 8th grade band or consent of instructor

The band curriculum is a full year curriculum. A wide variety of music literatures will be studied and performed in a major concert each term.

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Band 9 Honors - NEW FOR 2025-26

Course: #6602, S1
Course: #6603, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Completion of both courses fulfills the Arts required credit  

Prerequisites: Audition

Students who accept a position in Band 9 Honors commit to a full year of participation. Throughout the year, students will study a variety of repertoire covering several different musical styles.

Read More about Band 9 Honors - NEW FOR 2025-26
Bel Canto

Course: #6636, S1
Course: #6638, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Completion of both courses fulfills the Arts required credit  
Prerequisites: Voice check with instructor

Students who accept a place in Bel Canto commit to a full year of participation.

Read More about Bel Canto

Course: #3044, S1
Course: #3046, S2
Online Option: #T3044*, part 1, Tonka Online 
*Select term F=fall
Online Option: #T3046*, part 2, Tonka Online 
*Select term W=winter 
Grade(s) offered: grade 11, grade 12      
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Chemistry

This course is a study of biology, with an emphasis on biology topics at the cellular and molecular level.

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Body-Mind Rejuvenation B

Course: #6714
Grade(s) Offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Physical Education credit. 
Prerequisites: No prerequisite, students need both an A and B Physical Education course to meet graduation requirements.

This course is designed to provide students with a lower intensity, stress relieving experience that mirrors many of the popular studio classes found in local health clubs.

Read More about Body-Mind Rejuvenation B
Business Analytics (VANTAGE)

Course: #V100
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 2.0

  • AP Statistics (1.0 math credit - weighted)
  • IB Business Management SL or HL (1.0 business elective credit - weighted)

Prerequisites: Interest in global business and statistics. Students who have taken VANTAGE Business Analytics or IB Business SL at MHS are not eligible for Global Business.

This course teaches students to analyze big data to support decision-making in the business world.

Read More about Business Analytics (VANTAGE)

Course: #4044, S1
Course: #4046, S2
Tonka Online Course: #T4044, S1
Tonka Online Course: #T4046, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Completion of Precalculus

This course is a study of the fundamental topics of differential and integral Calculus.

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Ceramics I

Course: #6026   
Grade(s) offered: grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12 
0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit    
Prerequisites: None

Students will learn techniques for throwing on the wheel and hand building projects. Students will create functional artwork like mugs, vases, bowls, teapots, etc.

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Ceramics II

Course: #6028
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit     
Prerequisites: Ceramics I grade B- or better

Ceramics II students learn how to refine their wheel-throwing and hand building skills to create sets of mugs and bowls. Advanced ceramics techniques will be taught.

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Ceramics III

Course: #6030
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit    
Prerequisites: Completion of Ceramics II with a B- or better 
This course may be repeated for further study with teacher approval

Ceramics III is for the highly motivated student who will complete personalized research to create a portfolio of work by the end of the course.

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Chamber Orchestra

Course: #6632, S1
Course: #6634, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Completion of both courses fulfills the Arts required credit  
Prerequisite: Audition

This course is for students in 10th and 11th grade who are looking for an accelerated music experience, in preparation for the top ensemble – Symphony Orchestra. Students who previously took Orchestra 9 Honors will be prepared for this course.

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Course: #3012, S1
Course: #3014, S2
Tonka Online Course: #T3012F and #T3014W   
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: C or better in Earth Science or Earth Science Honors

Chemistry is a college preparatory class that teaches students basic chemistry principles and real-world applications of chemistry in society.

Note: The Tonka Online Course option is only available for Full Time Online 9-12th Grade Students.

Read More about Chemistry
Chemistry Honors

Course: #3016, S1
Course: #3018, S2
Grade(s) offered: grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: A or B in Earth Science Honors; A in general Earth Science; AP Physics 1. Concurrently enrolled in Higher Algebra or beyond. 

This course is for students who want an in-depth and rigorous approach to learning chemistry, and its connection to the real-world.

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Child Development and Education

Course: #6314
Grade(s) offered: grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: None

This course examines child development from conception to preschool age. Students will also receive experiential learning by observing and interacting with preschoolers at local preschools or within the classroom during Tonka Tykes Preschool. This class will encourage students to discover the main factors that affect human development at an early age. 

Read More about Child Development and Education
Chinese Film and Culture

Course: #IM140
Grades Offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: K-8 enrollment in Chinese Immersion

This course will offer the opportunity for students to further develop their language skills by studying, watching and analyzing films from the Chinese-speaking world.

Read More about Chinese Film and Culture
CIS Exploring the Teaching Profession (VANTAGE)

Course: #V400
Grades Offered: Grade 11 or Grade 12
Credits: 1.0 FACS elective credit
College Credits: 2.0 (University of Minnesota credits)

*Successful completion of this course will give students University of Minnesota credits through our partnership with their CIS program.

This course is offered as part of the VANTAGE Education track. For details about taking CIS Exploring the Teaching Profession through VANTAGE, visit the VANTAGE page of the Skipper Log.


Read More about CIS Exploring the Teaching Profession (VANTAGE)
CIS Intro to Computing Systems

Course: #6522
Course: #6524
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, or Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Earned a B+ or better in Algebra II or is concurrently enrolled in Algebra II and earned a B+ or better in the preceding math course. Previously taken one of the following courses at MHS: Programming in Python, AP Computer Science Principles, AP Computer Science A  Preferred prerequisites: Knowledge in programming language such as Java, Python, JavaScript, C++

This course aims to introduce students to programming concepts applicable to a wide range of computer programming languages.

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CIS Public Speaking (VANTAGE)

Course: #V400
Grades Offered: Grade 11 or Grade 12
Credits: 1.0 English credit
College Credits: CIS Public Speaking (3.0 University of Minnesota credits)

*Successful completion of this course will give students University of Minnesota credits through our partnership with their CIS program.

This course is offered as part of the VANTAGE Education track. For details about taking CIS Public Speaking through VANTAGE, visit the VANTAGE page of the Skipper Log.

Read More about CIS Public Speaking (VANTAGE)
College Algebra

Course: #4056, S1
Course: #4058, S2
Grade(s) Offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Students who successfully complete the course with a C- or better and follow the proper steps may be eligible to earn dual credit through a local community college.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Higher Algebra or Honors Higher Algebra

This is a college-level algebra course that emphasizes properties of functions and their graphs. Linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions are covered.

Read More about College Algebra
Comics I

Course: #6034
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit    
Prerequisites: None

In Comics I, students will learn about combining visual images, text, and culture through cartoon character development and comic creation.

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Comics II

Course: #6036  
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit      
Prerequisites: Completion of Comics I with a B- or better

In this class, students will explore more about cartoon and comic design as well as develop a personal style and aesthetic.

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Comics III

Course: #6038
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit       
Prerequisites: Completion of Comics II with a B- or better.
Course may be repeated with teacher approval.

Comics III is designed for the highly motivated student wishing to develop a college portfolio, submit work to competitions and exhibits, and/or pursue a career in the visual arts.

Read More about Comics III
Composition for College 12

Tonka Online Course: #T1042*, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter    
Grade(s) offered: Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: Any English 11 Course

This course emphasizes writing in a variety of nonfiction modes to help students prepare for success in college and other post-secondary settings.

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Concert Band

Course: #6604, S1
Course: #6606, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Completion of both courses fulfills the Arts required credit 
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Band 9 or consent of instructor

Students who accept a position in Concert Band commit to a full year of participation. A wide variety of music literature will be studied and performed in a major concert each term. 

Read More about Concert Band
Concert Choir

Course: #6648, S1
Course: #6650, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Completion of both courses fulfills the Arts required credit  
Prerequisites: Audition

Course Description:
Students who accept a position in Concert Choir commit to a full year of participation. This is a select choir and placement is by audition. The precepts of advanced musicianship will be stressed in this course.

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Concert Orchestra

Course: #6620, S1
Course: #6622, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Completion of both courses fulfills the Arts required credit  
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Orchestra 9 or Orchestra 9 Honors, or audition with instructor

Students who accept a position in Concert Orchestra commit to a full year of participation. Throughout the year, students will study a variety of repertoire covering several different musical styles.

Read More about Concert Orchestra
Contemporary U.S. History

Course: #2004, S1
Course: #2006, S2
Tonka Online Course: #T2004, #T2006
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Human Geography and Civics; AP Human Geography

This two-semester course will provide a thematic study of persons, events and national developments in U.S. History with a focus on the 20th Century to the present. This course will prepare students for an understanding of the role of the U.S. in the world after WWI.

Note: The Tonka Online Course option is only available for Full Time Online 9-12th Grade Students.

Read More about Contemporary U.S. History
Creative Writing

Course: #1038
Grade(s) offered: Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: Any English 11 Course

This course sharpens students’ observations and use of imagery in writing description, characterization, dialogue, satire, memoirs, short stories and poetry.

Read More about Creative Writing
Culinary I

Course: #6300
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: None

Culinary I is a course for an aspiring chef or a novice in the kitchen, this course will give you the confidence to be successful in the culinary world. Students will cover basic principles of food preparation and nutrition.

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Culinary II: International Foods

Course: #6302
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: Culinary 1

Culinary II is a course that explores connections between what we eat and cultures around us. Explore the historical timeline and geographical influences on the regional cuisine from the United States. Then, "travel" around the globe and learn about a variety of dietary customs, cuisines and cooking methods while preparing a variety of global food items. 

Read More about Culinary II: International Foods

Course: #6514
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: none

Cybersecurity introduces the tools and concepts of cybersecurity and encourages students to create solutions that allow people to share computing resources while protecting privacy.

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Dance B

Course: #6716 
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12 
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Physical Education credit.
Prerequisites: No prerequisite, students need both an A and B Physical Education course to meet graduation requirements.

This course offers students the opportunity to participate and explore the world of dance, as well as enjoy the physical benefits of dance activity.

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Darkroom Photography I

Course: #6002
Grade(s) offered: grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12   
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit 
Prerequisites: None

Students will be introduced to basics of darkroom photography through exploration of depth of field, stop action motion, landscape, portraiture and final portfolio.

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Darkroom Photography II

Course: #6004   
Grade(s) offered: grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit  
Prerequisites: Completion of Photo I with a B- or better

Students will continue exploration of darkroom photography through more focused skill and portfolio development.

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Darkroom Photography III

Course: #6006
Grade(s) offered: grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit 
Prerequisites: Completion of Photo II with a B- or better
This course may be repeated for further study with teacher approval.

Students will continue exploration of darkroom photography through more focused skill, personal expression, and portfolio development.

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Course: #1056    
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12 
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: None

Course Description:
Students will learn the basic structure and theory of argumentation and debate as they research a variety of topics to be presented in class.

Read More about Debate
Design + Marketing (VANTAGE)

Course: #V104 
Grades Offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
MHS Credits: 2.0

  • CIS Creative Problem Solving (1.0 art credit - weighted) 
  • Marketing I & II (1.0 business elective credit)

College Credits: 3.0

  • CIS Creative Problem Solving (3.0 CIS University of Minnesota credits)

Prerequisites: Interest in marketing and graphic design.

In this course, students will learn about what it takes to be successful in the design and marketing fields. They will master graphic design software, layout and presentation apps, and produce work for print and online environments. At the same time, students learn about marketing principles that influence firm performance in the marketplace.

Read More about Design + Marketing (VANTAGE)
Digital Drawing I

Course: #6040   
Grade(s) offered: grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12 
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit   
Prerequisites: None

Using Photoshop and Wacom drawing tablets as our media students will master several types of drawings.  Students will gain confidence working in a digital platform.

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Digital Drawing II

Course: #6042
Grade(s) offered: grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit   
Prerequisites: Digital Drawing I grade B- or better

In Digital Drawing II, students will focus on more advanced digital drawing techniques, using a conceptual approach to their drawings utilizing the principles of design.

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Digital Drawing III

Course: #6044 
Grade(s) offered: grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit     
Prerequisites: Completion of Digital Drawing II with a B- or better
This course may be repeated for further study with teacher approval.

Digital Drawing III is for highly motivated students who will create a portfolio of work. Students will be creating personalized digital drawings based on their own research and interests.

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Digital Photography I

Course: #6052
Tonka Online Course: #T6052
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit       

This course will introduce students to digital photography and digital manipulation in Adobe Photoshop as a means for self-expression in art.

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Digital Photography II

Course: #6054
Tonka Online Course: #T6054
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit        
Prerequisites: Completion of Digital Imaging I with a B- or better

Students will learn advanced Photography skills, techniques and theory to strengthen and expand knowledge.  Students will become aware of their personal working methods and style.

Read More about Digital Photography II
Disability Studies*

Course: #2022
Grade(s) Offered: grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: None
*This course does not fulfill your 3.5 credits in Social Studies but may be taken as an elective in addition to your required coursework.

In this class, students will explore how disability, through the lens of neurodiversity, can enrich the world. The course will serve as a multidisciplinary, multisensory and accessible analysis of disability in American culture.

Read More about Disability Studies*
Discovering Leadership

Course: #6202
Grades offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: None

Discovering Leadership is a course designed for the deep exploration in leadership of both self and others, challenging students to become a difference-maker.

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Drawing I

Course: #6020
Tonka Online Course: #T6020
Grade(s) offered: grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12 
0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit       

Drawing I will teach students basic drawing skills to create their own projects through different mediums and compositions. A good class to start creating a portfolio.

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Drawing II

Course: #6022
Tonka Online Course: #T6022
Online Option: #T6022
Grade(s) offered: grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit    
Prerequisites: Drawing I grade B- or better

In Drawing II students will continue to grow, further honing their skills and techniques learned in Drawing I. Emphasis will be on research and composition.

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Drawing III

Course: #6024
Grade(s) offered: grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit     
Completion of Drawing II with a B- or better
Course may be repeated with teacher approval.

Drawing III is for highly motivated students looking to explore drawing deeper through personalized projects and to create a portfolio.

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Earth view from above, green grass and rocky canyon

Course: # 3001 S1, 3003 S2
Tonka Online Course: #T3001 S1, # T3003 S2
Grade offered: Grade 9 
Credits:  0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites:  None

This year-long course will give students a well-rounded overview of the evolution of the Earth by studying the Earth’s Hydrosphere, Atmosphere and Climate, Plate Tectonics, the Rock Cycle, and Earth Resources. This course will also cover some basics of Astronomy along with fundamentals of the tools of science including the scientific method and basic laboratory techniques.

Note: The Tonka Online Course option is only available for Full Time Online 9-12th Grade Students.

Read More about Earth Science
View of planet earth from above with clouds over mountains

Course: # 3005 S1, 3007 S2
Grade offered: Grade 9 
Credits:  0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites:  A or B in 8th-grade Algebra; A or B in 8th grade Science

Course Description:
This year-long course will give students a well-rounded overview of the evolution of the Earth by studying the Earth’s Hydrosphere, Atmosphere and Climate, Plate Tectonics, the Rock Cycle and Earth Resources. This course will also cover some basics of Astronomy along with fundamentals of the tools of science including the scientific method and basic laboratory techniques. Topics are similar to those in general-level courses but are studied in depth with more emphasis on higher-level thinking skills in problem-solving. In this honors level course, students will be expected to use more math skills in their investigation of earth science topics

Read More about Earth Science Honors
Sticky Notes with Words

Course: #7120, GR 9, S1
Course: #7122, GR 9, S2
Course: #7124, GR 10, S1
Course: #7126, GR 10, S2
Course: #7128, GR 11/12, S1
Course: #7130, GR 11/12, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course) 
Prerequisites: English is not student’s first language. Qualifying test score on the WIDA Screener or ACCESS for ELs

With a focus on language English development, students will read short stories, novels, plays, nonfiction, and poetry to study various elements of literature. Students will improve their writing and study vocabulary and grammar, including parts of speech, parts of sentences, mechanics and usage.

Read More about EL English 9, 10, 11/12
EL Social Studies

Course: #7108, EL Civics I
Course: #7110, EL Civics II
Course: #7112, EL Contemporary U.S. History, S1
Course: #7114, EL Contemporary U.S. History, S2
Course: #7116, EL World History I
Course: #7118, EL World History II
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)  
Prerequisites: English is not student’s first language. Qualifying test score on the WIDA Screener or ACCESS for ELs. 

These classes offer students social studies content while building English language skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Read More about EL Social Studies
Embedded Health Model: Current Health Topics 9-12

Grade(s) offered: 9-12 (by the completion of senior year)
Credits: .5
Prerequisites: None
This course does not require registration.

Course Description:
Embedded Health is designed to cover relevant health education topics in the lives of teens both today and into the future. Programming is designed to offer comprehensive support for students throughout their four years at MHS in the realm of personal wellness and is built-in to each student's semester schedule. 

Read More about Embedded Health Model: Current Health Topics 9-12
a woman on a computer using a 3D design software

Tonka Online Course: #T6409
Grade(s) offered:  Grades 9-12
Credits:  0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites:  None
Engineering 3-D computer modeling focuses on 3D software design for applications in engineering and manufacturing. This is a good course for students who are interested in engineering, manufacturing, and/or related fields. This course provides an introduction to the basic principles of engineering computer aided design (CAD) and additive manufacturing, with a focus on creating new designs to solve engineering problems.

Read More about Engineering 3-D Computer Modeling
Engineering Design Fundamentals

Tonka Online Course: #T6405
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: .5 (Semester Course)
Prerequisites: None

This foundation in engineering and technology course is designed for students who are interested in learning about the field of engineering. Students of all backgrounds will explore the breadth of engineering-related career opportunities.

Read More about Engineering Design Fundamentals
book with flower

Course: #1000, S1
Course: #1002, S2  
Tonka Online Course: #T1000, #T1002 
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: None

Students will read short stories, novels, plays, nonfiction, and poetry to study various elements of literature. They will improve their writing skills, focusing on well-developed paragraphs and three-part essays.

Note: The Tonka Online Course option is only available for Full Time Online 9-12th Grade Students.

Read More about English 09
English 09 Honors

Course: #1004, S1
Course: #1006, S2    
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: None

Students will read a variety of literature, improve their writing skills, study grammar and vocabulary, and focus on critical reading, writing and speaking.

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English 09 Honors Communications

Course: #1008 - English Honors 09 Communications, S1
Course: #1010 - English Honors 09 Communications, S2
Course: AP300 - AP Physics 1-9, S1
Course: AP302 - AP Physics 1-9, S2
*Students must register for all four courses
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9 
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)

This course blends traditional grade 9 language arts curriculum with a technical communications component that includes research writing and presentation skills to support AP Physics I.

Read More about English 09 Honors Communications
English 10

Course: #1014, S1    
Course: #1016, S2    
Tonka Online: #T1014, #T1016
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Any English 9 Course

Students will read a survey of American literature from the Colonial period to the present and expanding their writing skills for a variety of purposes and audiences.

Note: The Tonka Online Course option is only available for Full Time Online 9-12th Grade Students.

Read More about English 10
English 11

Course: #1026, S1
Course: #1028, S2
Online Option: #T1026F, part 1, Tonka Online
Online Option: #T1028W, part 2, Tonka Online 
Online: Complete part 1 before part 2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Any English 10 Course

From graphic novels to film to classic literature, students will focus on the individual’s place in society. Student writing will include traditional essays, as well as more creative and exploratory pieces.

Read More about English 11
iPad on Book

Elective or Required Option 
Course: #1032
Course: #T1032W, Tonka Online
Grade(s) offered: Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)

This survey course is designed to parallel the structure of English 12 FALL using a different set of materials.

Read More about English 12 WINTER
Globe made of Country Flags

Course: #7100, S1
Course: #7102, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)   
Prerequisites: None

Students from all over the world come to MHS. This is a course for students with a beginning level of English proficiency. Students will work collaboratively to share their knowledge as they develop their English skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Read More about English Language Development

Course: #6102   
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: None

Entrepreneurship is a hands-on, project-based course that explores business development from ideation to implementation.

Read More about Entrepreneurship
Science Books

Tonka Online Course: # T3090F*, #T3090W*, Tonka Online
*Select term F=fall, W= winter
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)

Course Description:
Explore scientific discoveries and advancements in a context of non-fiction texts and media.

Read More about Exploring Science Through Literature
Fashion Design I

Course: #6306
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit
Prerequisites: None

Fashion Design I is a hands-on and project-based course. Students will learn the techniques of fashion sketching, mood board creation, draping and applying the elements and principles of design through various projects including a life sized newspaper dress creation.

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Fashion Design II

Course: #6307
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit
Prerequisites: Fashion Design I 

This course is project based and will go deeper into the history of fashion, current sketching techniques, understanding textiles and fibers, and styling.

Read More about Fashion Design II
Fitness A

Tonka Online Course: #T6798*, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
Grade(s) offered: grade 11, grade 12 (9th and 10th graders can take Tonka Online PE Courses over the summer or as an additional 7th hour course, with counselor approval, for an additional fee)
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Physical Education credit. 
Prerequisites: None. Fees apply if taken as a 7th hour or summer class outside of the student's normal schedule.

Online Fitness creates an opportunity for students to extend their learning around a school-sponsored sport or lifetime fitness activity outside of school.

Read More about Fitness A
Flight Instruction and World History

Course: #M7100
Grade(s) offered:  Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits:  2.0 (year-long course, 2 hours)

  • 1.0 High School Credit of World History
  • 1.0 Elective Credit Flight Training  

Prerequisites: 0.5 credit in an Intro to Aviation course (Flight Simulation or UAS/Drones)

Explore the connection of world history and aviation in "Aviation Through Time." From ancient civilizations to modern flight simulations, unravel historical threads, pilot virtual aircraft, and witness the dynamic interplay that has shaped societies and skies alike. Engage in a transformative interdisciplinary adventure.

Read More about Flight Instruction and World History
a single pilot flying a passenger plane.

Course: #M7200
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 2.0 Credits

  • Flight Training II (1.0 elective credit)
  • Global Studies and Economics (.5 Core Social Studies) 
  • Meteorology  (.5 Elective credit) 

Prerequisites: 0.5 credit in an Intro to Aviation course (Flight Simulation or UAS/Drones) OR 1.0 credits in Flight Training I from Flight Instruction Through Time

This is a year-long, dual-taught course for students with prior simulated flight training. This course explores advanced flight training scenarios,  meteorology, and the global economic impact of aviation, emphasizing flight operations and economic principles.

Read More about Flight Training and Global Commerce
Forensic Science I

Course: #3048
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11 or Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: Chemistry

Forensic Science is designed to strengthen skills of observation and interpretation through analysis of evidence collected in case studies and mock crime scenes.

Read More about Forensic Science I
a scientist examines finger prints with a magnifying glass

Course: # 3049
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11 or Grade 12
Credits:  0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites:  Forensic Science I

Forensic Science II builds upon skills learned in Forensic Science I. Students will be introduced to techniques and ideas relevant for the use in solving crimes related to criminal profiling, arson, toxicology, DNA analysis and ballistics.

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French I

Course: #5200, S1
Course: #5202, S2
Online Option: #T5200*, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall
Online Option: #T5202*, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, W=winter
*Online, complete part 1 before part 2.
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: None

In French 1, students will make connections to their lives and to the products, practices, and perspectives of French-speaking cultures through a study of a variety of topics.

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French II

Course: #5204, S1
Course: #5206, S2
Tonka Online Course: #T5204F, #T5206W
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: French I 

In French II, students will make connections to their lives and to the products, practices, and perspectives of French-speaking cultures through a study of a variety of topics.

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French II Honors

Course: #5220, S1
Course: #5222, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: French I    

In French II Honors, students will make connections to their lives and to the products, practices, and perspectives of French-speaking cultures through a study of a variety of topics.

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French III

Course: #5208, S1
Course: #5210, S2  
Tonka Online Course: #T5200F, #T5210W  
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: French II or French II Honors with permission from teacher 

In French III, students will make connections to their lives and to the products, practices, and perspectives of French-speaking cultures through a study of a variety of topics.

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French III Honors

Course: #5224, S1
Course: #5226, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: French II Honors or French II with permission from teacher 

In French III Honors, students will make connections to their lives and to the products, practices, and perspectives of French-speaking cultures through a study of a variety of topics.

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French IV

Course: #5212, S1
Course: #5214, S2    
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12 
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: French III or French III Honors

In French IV, students will make connections to their lives and to the products, practices, and perspectives of French-speaking cultures through a study of a variety of topics

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French V

Course: #5216, S1
Course: #5218, S2    
Grade(s) offered: Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: French IV

In French V, students will continue to make connections to their lives and to the products, practices, and perspectives of French-speaking cultures through a study of a variety of topics.

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Functions, Statistics & Trigonometry

Course: #4028, S1
Course: #4030, S2
Online Option: #T4028* part 1, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
Online Option: #T4030* part 2, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
*Online, complete part 1 before part 2.
Grade(s) offered: 
grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Higher Algebra

A bridge between Higher Algebra and Precalculus, builds on algebra foundations and further prepares students for Precalculus or Statistics.

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Course: #4012, S1    
#4014, S2
Online Option: #T4012 part 1, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer*, F=fall, W=winter
Online Option: #T4014 part 2, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer*, F=fall, W=winter
*Contact the advanced learning staff in your building for the registration process for summer math courses.
Grade(s) offered: grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: #3006 Successful completion of Quadratic Algebra or 8th grade Algebra

This course includes all Geometry topics addressed by the Minnesota state math standards and their algebraic connections.

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Geometry Honors

Course: #4016, S1
Course: #4018, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: B+ or better in Quadratic Algebra or 8th grade Algebra

This course includes all Geometry topics addressed by the Minnesota state math standards including additional depth and application, along with algebraic connections.

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German I

Course: #5300, S1
Course: #5302, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: No previous experience needed.
Students will develop proper German pronunciation along with appropriate listening, reading, writing and speaking skills.

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German III 

Course: #5308, S1
Course: #5310, S2    
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12 
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: German II or with permission from teacher 

German III is for motivated students who want to achieve a higher level of proficiency in the German language.

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German II 

Course: #5304, S1
Course: #5306, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: German I or with permission from teacher

Students will continue to develop their communication skills in listening, reading, writing and speaking German.

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Global Business (VANTAGE)

Course: #V102
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 3.0

  • AP Microeconomics (1.0 social studies credit - weighted)
  • AP Seminar (1.0 English credit - weighted)
  • IB Business Management SL (1.0 business elective credit - weighted)

Prerequisites: Interest in business. Students who have taken VANTAGE Business Analytics or IB Business SL at MHS are not eligible for Global Business.

VANTAGE Global Business allows students to explore diverse global business concepts through a global lens. Students utilized critical thinking and problem-solving skills to solve complex business problems while tackling challenging coursework in economics, English, and business.

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Global Studies and Economics

Course: #2016
Online Option: T2016
Grade(s) offered: 11-12    
Credits: .5 (semester course)    
This course may also be taken as part of VANTAGE #V300 Global Sustainability, #V630 VANTAGE Fashion, or MOMENTUM Transportation Careers and Global Commerce (choose only one).
Prerequisites: None    

This introductory economics course integrates macroeconomic and microeconomic concepts into the complexities of our evolving global landscape.

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Global Sustainability (VANTAGE)

Course: #V300
Grades Offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 2.0

  • AP Environmental Science (1.0 science elective credit - weighted)
  • Global Studies and Economics (1.0 social studies credit)

Prerequisites:  Interest in the environment and sustainability. Students must have completed a biology credit or concurrently enrolled in Biology (Biology G, AP Biology, or IB Biology).

This experiential course meets students at the intersection of science, food, sustainability, and economics. Students work on real projects as they go deep into sustainable practices.

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Graphic & Product Design

Course: #6032
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit    
Prerequisites: None; Suggested Drawing I and II & Intro to Studio Art

Students will learn about graphic and product design using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Real-world application to learning emphasized.

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Graphic Arts

Tonka Online Course: #T6424
Grade(s) offered: 9-12    
Credits: .5 (per semester)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit 
Prerequisites: None    

This online only course is an exploratory course open to all students seeking an introductory experience in Graphic Arts.

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Guitar Ensemble I

Course: #6656
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit
Prerequisite: None

In this performance based course, students will explore music performance using the guitar as the performance medium. Units will include note reading, tablature reading, basic music theory, guitar performance techniques, solo performance and ensemble performance.

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Two people play guitar together in a classroom

Course: #6658
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Guitar Ensemble I or instructor approval

In this performance-based course, students will continue to explore traditional guitar ensemble literature, as an extension of Guitar Ensemble I. 

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Health (Tonka Online)

Course: #THLTH1
Grade Offered: 9-12, summer only
Credits: 0.5
Prerequisites: This course is for out-of-district students only.

Recommended Background for Success:
Students who enroll in this course must be motivated throughout the summer months to complete their work, and exhibit strong study skills.

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Health Sciences I (VANTAGE)

Course: #V200
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 2.25

  • AP Psychology (1.0 social studies credit - weighted)
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology I (1.0 science elective credit)
  • Medical Sciences (.25 science elective credit) - Students choose between Nursing Assistant Registered (NAR) or Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) course options.

Prerequisites: Physical science and algebra; interest in health sciences; chemistry strongly recommended. Students who have already completed Human Anatomy and Physiology I at MHS are NOT eligible for this strand.

Explore a variety of healthcare fields through coursework, site visits, guest instruction and projects. Become certified as a Nursing Assistant Registered or Emergency Medical Responder.

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Health Sciences II (VANTAGE) - NEW FOR 2025-26

Course: #V210
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 2.0

  • Human Anatomy and Physiology II (.5 science elective credit)
  • Medical Terminology (.5 science elective credit)
  • Emergency Medical Technician (1.0 science elective credit)

Prerequisites: Human Anatomy and Physiology I is the prerequisite. It can be from MHS or VANTAGE Health Sciences I. Physical Science and Chemistry are also required. Students who have completed Human Anatomy and Physiology II at MHS are NOT eligible for this strand.

In VANTAGE Health Sciences II, students participate in health science-related experiences to understand future employment opportunities in this growing sector of the economy. This strand is designed to build on the VANTAGE Health Sciences I curriculum and provide additional excellent preparation for nursing school, medical school, PT, OT, and other healthcare-related professional education tracks. 

Read More about Health Sciences II (VANTAGE) - NEW FOR 2025-26
Higher Algebra

Course: #4020, S1
Course: #4022, S2
Online Option: #T4020*, part 1, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
Online Option: #T4022*, part 2, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
*Online, complete part 1 before part 2.
Grade(s) offered:
 Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12  
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: None

This two-semester course is an alternative to Higher Algebra Honors (4024, 4026). The distinction between this course and Higher Algebra Honors is the pacing at which the above content is covered.

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Higher Algebra Honors

Course: #4024, S1
Course: #4026, S2
Online Option: #T4024* part 1, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
Online Option: #T4026* part 2, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
*Online, complete part 1 before part 2.
Grade(s) offered:
 Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12 
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: B+ or better in Geometry, B or better in Honors Geometry, or teacher recommendation.

This course reviews and extends basic concepts learned in Algebra and Geometry.

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Human Anatomy and Physiology I

Course: #3020
Online Option: #T3020,Tonka Online 
This course can also be taken through VANTAGE #V200 (choose one)  
Grade(s) offered: grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: Chemistry

A course for students interested in how the human body works, including anatomy (body structure) and physiology (body functions).

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Human Geography

Course: #2000
Tonka Online Course: #T2000
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9
Credits: 0.5 (single-semester course)
Prerequisites: None

This semester course includes an introduction to the study of human geography which is the study of humans and their interaction with their surroundings.

Note: The Tonka Online Course option is only available for Full Time Online 9-12th Grade Students.

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IB Ab Initio French 

Course: #IB524, Year 1, S1
Course: #IB525, Year 1, S2
Course: #IB526, Year 2, S1
Course: #IB527, Year 2, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12 
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, two-year course)
Prerequisites: None

IB Ab Initio is a highly rigorous two-year program. It is designed to give students with little or no prior French language experience IB language acquisition credit.

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IB Ab Initio German

Course: #IB534, Year 1, S1
Course: #IB535, Year 1, S2
Course: #IB536, Year 2, S1
Course: #IB537, Year 2, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, two-year course)
Prerequisites: None

IB Ab Initio is a highly rigorous two-year program. It is designed to give students with little or no prior German language experience IB language acquisition credit.

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IB Ab Initio Spanish

Course: #IB544, Year 1, S1
Course: #IB545, Year 1, S2
Course: #IB546, Year 2, S1
Course: #IB547, Year 2, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, two-year course)

IB Ab Initio is a highly rigorous two-year program. It is designed to give students with little or no prior Spanish language experience IB language acquisition credit.

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IB Biology HL

Course: #IB304, S1
Course: #IB306, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 12   
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: IB Biology S

After taking IB Biology SL, seniors can enroll in the second-year course of IB Biology HL.  During year two, HL Biology covers topics on biotechnology, evolution, human physiology, ecology and conservation, and botany.

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IB Biology SL

Course: #IB300, S1 
#IB302, S2 
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12   
Credits:  0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Chemistry or Chemistry Honors for IB Biology SL course

IB Biology SL will concentrate on cell biology, biochemistry, DNA and biotechnology, genetics, and evolution.

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IB Computer Science HL

Course: #IB652, S1
Course: #IB653, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: AP Computer Science A or IB Computer Science SL

This course will allow students to become aware of how computer scientists work and communicate with each other and with other stakeholders in the successful development and implementation of IT solutions.

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IB Computer Science SL

Course: #IB650, S1
Course: #IB651, S2
Grade(s) offered: grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: C or better in Higher Algebra, Higher Algebra Honors, or Instructor’s permission. AP Computer Science Principles or Programming in Python.
Preferred prerequisites: knowledge in programming language such as Java, Python, JavaScript, C++

This course will allow students to become aware of how computer scientists work and communicate with each other and with other stakeholders in the successful development and implementation of IT solutions.

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IB Economics SL

Course: #IB212, S1
Course: #IB214, S2
Grade(s) offered: grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: None

This one-year course covers macroeconomics and microeconomics as well as development and international economics.

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IB French HL

Course: #IB522, S1
Course: #IB523, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: IB French SL

IB French HL is the second year of study following SL. Students will continue to study of a variety of topics, including: cultural leisure activities, holidays, festivals, and traditions.

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IB French SL

Course: #IB520, S1
Course: #IB521, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12 
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: French III Honors

In IB French SL, students will make connections to their lives and to the products, practices, and perspectives of French-speaking cultures.

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IB German HL

Course: #IB532, S1
Course: #IB533, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: IB German SL

Students will work to comprehend and express sophisticated ideas in both written and oral discourse in the German language.

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IB German SL

Course: #IB530, S1
Course: #IB531, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: German III 

Students in the IB program will work to comprehend and express sophisticated ideas in both written and oral discourse in the German language.

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IB Spanish GLobal Politics

Course: #IM264, S1
Course: #IM265, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: K-10/11 enrollment in Spanish Immersion

*This is a year-long social studies elective course which can be applied to the 12th grade required social studies credit.
**Students who have already completed IB Global Politics through the Vantage International Relations strand are NOT eligible for this course.

This course aims to develop international mindedness and an awareness of multiple perspectives while studying contemporary political issues around the world.

Read More about IB Global Politics SL (Spanish Immersion)
IB Spanish GLobal Politics

Course: #V800
Grade offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 1.0 (year-long course)

*This is a year-long social studies elective course which can be applied to the 12th grade required social studies credit*
*Students who have already completed IB Global Politics in Spanish are NOT eligible for this strand.

This course is offered as part of the VANTAGE International Relations track. For details about taking IB Global Politics SL through VANTAGE, visit the VANTAGE page of the Skipper Log.

Read More about IB Global Politics SL (VANTAGE)
European cityscape with old buildings in the background and a telephone booth in the foreground

Course: #IB200, Year 1, S1
Course: #IB202, Year 1, S2
Course: #IB204, Year 2, S1
Course: #IB206, Year 2, S2
Grade(s) offered: grade 11, grade 12   
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, two-year course)
Prerequisites: AP U.S. History, Contemporary U.S. History, American Studies 10 Honors

This course is a two-year introduction to contemporary world history. The first year of the course begins with units that include the Industrial Revolution in Britain, Europe, and Japan as well as a study of Imperial Russia, revolutions and the emergence of the Soviet State.

Read More about IB History HL
IB Language and Literature SL

Course: #IB100, S1
Course: #IB102, S2
Grade(s) offered: grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Any English 10 or English 11 course

Students examine how language impacts the world, shapes identity and is used in the media, including newspapers, magazines, the Internet, social networking, mobile telephony, radio, and film.

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IB Language and Literature SL, Language A (Chinese Immersion)

Course: #IM116, Year 1, S1
Course: #IM117, Year 1, S2
Course: #IM118, Year 2, S1
Course: #IM119, Year 2, S2
Grade(s) offered: grade 11 (year 1); grade 12 (year 2)
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, two-year course)
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Chinese Immersion AP Language and Culture and Chinese Humanities Honors

This two-year course represents a new way of looking at the Chinese language, examining how language develops in specific cultural contexts and how it impacts the world.

Read More about IB Language and Literature SL, Language A (Chinese Immersion)
IB Language and Literature SL, Language A (Spanish Immersion)

Course: #IM216, Year 1, S1
Course: #IM217, Year 1, S2
Course: #IM218, Year 2, S1
Course: #IM219, Year 2, S2

Grade(s) offered: grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, two-year course)
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Spanish Immersion AP Language and Culture and Hispanic Humanities Honors

This course represents a new way of looking at the Spanish language, examining how language develops in specific cultural contexts and how it impacts the world.

Read More about IB Language and Literature SL, Language A (Spanish Immersion)
IB Literature and Performance SL

Course: #IB104, S1
Course: #IB106, S2
Grade(s) offered: grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
This course fulfills the Arts credit requirement.    
Prerequisites: Any English 10 or English 11

In this course, students will experience a unique synthesis of language and theater study and explore the dynamic relationship between the two.

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IB Literature HL

Course: #IB108 Year 1, S1
Course: #IB110 Year 1, S2
Course: #IB112 Year 2, S1
Course: #IB114 Year 2, S2
Grade(s) offered: grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, two-year course)  
Prerequisites: Year 1: Any English 10 Course; Year 2: IB Lit HL Year 1

This course encourages students to read literature in a deep, focused, interpretive manner, while also fostering confidence in individual insights and thoughtful reflection.

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IB Math Analysis and Approaches SL or HL Year 1

SL Course: #IB400, S1
SL Course: #IB402, S2
HL Course: #IB404, S1
HL Course: #IB406, S2
Grade(s) offered: 10-12
Credits: 1.0 (year-long course)
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Honors Pre-Calculus or a B+ or better in Pre-Calculus. For HL successful completion of SL.

This course is designed for students who enjoy developing their mathematics to become fluent in the construction of mathematical arguments and develop strong skills in mathematical thinking. They will explore real and abstract applications, sometimes with technology.

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IB Math Applications and Interpretations SL Year 1

SL Course: #IB408, S1
SL Course: #IB410, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Successful completion of FST or Precalculus. For HL successful completion of SL. 

This course is for students who are interested in developing their mathematics for describing our world, modeling and solving practical problems using the power of technology.

Read More about IB Math Applications and Interpretations SL Year 1
IB Music SL 

Course: #IB660 S1
Course: #IB661 S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12  
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Completion of both courses fulfills the Arts required credit
Prerequisite: Concurrent registration in Concert Choir, Treble Choir, Wind Ensemble, Concert Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra or Symphony Orchestra. Theory pre-test, AP Music Theory, or pre-approved piano performance background.

This course will examine the major style periods of Western music and explore the diversity of music throughout the world. Comparisons and observations will be made about art, society, and world events as they relate to the music style.

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a statue of a philosopher.

Course: #IB220 S1
Course: #IB221 S2
Grade(s) offered:  Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits:  0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites:  None
IB Philosophy is a college-level introduction to systematic critical inquiry into profound, fascinating and challenging questions such as: What is it to be human? Do we have free will? What do we mean when we say something is right or wrong? These abstract questions arise out of our everyday experiences, and philosophical tools provide the means of addressing such questions. The IB Philosophy class explores concepts such as identity, freedom, and human nature, and whether animals or machines could be considered persons. The course emphasizes ways in which we can apply philosophical knowledge and skills to real-life situations. IB Philosophy will also explore how non-philosophical material can be treated in a philosophical way. The course is reading and writing-intensive, with an emphasis on discussion and inquiry. At the conclusion of this course, it is expected that students will take the IB Exam, for which there is a fee.

Read More about IB Philosophy SL
IB Physics SL

Course: #IB308, S1
Course: #IB310, S2    
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Chemistry 

IB Physics SL is a fast-paced course that covers a broad range of physics concepts including mechanics, waves, electricity, magnetism, energy production, atomic physics, and astrophysics. 

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IB Psychology SL

Course: #IB208, S1 
Course: #IB210, S2    
Grade(s) offered: grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: None

IB psychology examines the interaction of biological, cognitive and sociocultural influences on human behavior.

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IB Spanish HL

Course: #IB542, S1
Course: #IB543, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: IB Spanish SL

In Spanish IB HL, students will continue to comprehend and express sophisticated ideas in both written and oral discourse in the Spanish language.

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IB Spanish SL

Course: #IB540, S1
Course: #IB541, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12 
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Spanish III Honors or Spanish 3 with recommendation from instructor

Students in the IB program will work to comprehend and express sophisticated ideas in both written and oral discourse in the target language.

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IB Theory of Knowledge

Course: #IB216, S1 (IB Diploma course)
Course: #IB218, S2 (IB Diploma course)
Grade(s) offered: 11-12
Credits: 1 (year-long course)
    .5 (per semester)
Prerequisites: enrollment in full IB Diploma Programme

Theory of Knowledge (TOK) is a course that is about the process of knowing, rather than about learning a specific body of knowledge.

Read More about IB Theory of Knowledge
IB Visual Arts HL

HL Course: #IB602, S1 Year 1
HL Course: #IB603, S2 Year 1
HL Course: #IB604, S1 Year 2
HL Course: #IB605, S2 Year 2    
Grade(s) offered: 11-12
Credits: 2 credit course, .5 (per semester)
This course completes 2 Arts credits
Prerequisites:  None

Students learn to use several media to create a unique portfolio of work based on research while documenting their process.

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IB Visual Arts SL

SL Course: #IB600, S1 
SL Course: #IB601, S2
Grade(s) offered: 11-12
Credits: 1 credit course, .5 (per semester)
This course completes 1 Arts credit
Prerequisites: None

Students learn to use several media to create a unique portfolio of work based on research while documenting their process. 

Read More about IB Visual Arts SL
Independent Living

Course: #6312
Tonka Online Course: #T6312 or #T6312S (Summer)
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course fulfills the Personal Finance credit requirement
Prerequisites: None

Learn strategies for a successful transition to life after high school. Explore areas of money management, insurance, housing, professionalism, and job interviewing skills.

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Interior Design I

Course: #6310
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit
Prerequisites: None

Explore the field of Interior Design and learn how to use space, color and design to create beautiful environments. Projects will include both digital designs and hand drawn designs to plan and decorate rooms and showcase your creative side. 

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An office room with colorful paintings on the wall positioned behind a modern wooden desk

Course: # 6311
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit
Prerequisites:  Interior Design I

Advance your understanding of the field of Interior Design! Explore the world of residential homes and commercial business spaces as you gain skills in designing, arranging and decorating. Topics include designing multicultural environments, the historical trends of interior design and the future concepts of interior design. Students will apply the elements/principles of design and through a variety of projects using traditional and digital aided design programs. Learn through individual and group interior design projects, a design team challenge, working with materials, and hands-on interior design projects.

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International Relations

Course: #V800
Grade offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
MHS Credits: 2.0

  • IB Global Politics SL* (1.0 social studies credit - weighted)
  • CIS College Writing (1.0 English credit - weighted)

College Credits: 3.0

  • CIS College Writing (3.0 University of Minnesota Duluth credits)

*This is a year-long social studies elective course which can be applied to the required 12th-grade social studies credit.
**Students who have already completed IB Global Politics in Spanish are NOT eligible for this strand.

International Relations is an introductory course on international politics and the relations between actors in the global political system. The overarching goal of this course is for students to critically engage with diverse and opposing perspectives to better understand the changing world and their role as citizens.

Read More about International Relations (VANTAGE)
Introduction to Business

Course: #6106 
Tonka Online Course:
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: None

Introduction to business explores the field of business and business organizations including basic ideas of economics, management, production, marketing, finance, and international business.

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Introduction to Computer Science

Course: #6500
Online Option: #T6500 in Tonka Online; #T6500S for TO Summer
Grades Offered: grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: C or better in Algebra.

Intro to Computer Science empowers students to create authentic artifacts and engage with computer science as a medium for creativity, communication, problem solving, and fun.

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Introduction to Studio Art

Course: #6000
Grade(s) offered: grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit  
Prerequisites: Highly recommended as first art course

Intro to Studio Arts is an introduction to a variety of art experiences and includes experiences in drawing, painting, printmaking, ceramics, photography, and sculpture.

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Jewelry I

Course: #6014   
Grade(s) offered: grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit 
Prerequisites: None

Jewelry 1 is an introduction to jewelry making. You will learn to cut, shape, solder, and polish metal to create rings and pendants.

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Jewelry II

Course: #6016  
Grade(s) offered: grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit 
Prerequisites: Completion of Jewelry I with a B- or better    

In Jewelry II you will build on the skills learned in Jewelry I. Stone settings and advanced soldering are some of the projects in class.

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Jewelry III

Course: #6018  
Grade(s) offered: grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit   
Completion of Jewelry II with a B- or better
This course may be repeated for further study with teacher approval.

Jewelry III is for highly motivated students looking to explore jewelry deeper through personalized projects and to create a portfolio.

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Course: #1044
Grade(s) offered: Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: Any English 11 Course

This course is a survey of journalism and media studies and an introduction to journalistic writing. Students will examine non-fiction pieces to understand the art of storytelling about the everyday world.

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Language Arts 9 (Spanish Immersion)

Course: #IM200, S1
Course: #IM202, S2
Grade(s) offered: grade 9, grade 10   
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: K-8 enrollment in Spanish Immersion OR Teacher approval to join/rejoin immersion (for Heritage Speakers and former immersion students)

This course will explore a variety of topics and prepare students to be successful in the AP Language and Culture course the following year.

Read More about Language Arts 9 (Spanish Immersion)
Integrated Physical Education

Course: #6705
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Physical Education credit.
Prerequisites: None

Lifetime sports and activities is a class designed to encourage and motivate students to maintain an active lifestyle that promotes healthy and beneficial activities later in life.

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Marketing I

Course: #6104
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: None

Marketing is an interactive, project-based course that focuses on the business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.

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Mathematics in Home Renovation

Course: #M4056, S1 (math)
Course: #M4058, S2 (math)
Course: #M6456, S1 (renovation)
Course: #M6458, S2 (renovation)
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 2.0 (two-hour, full-year course)
Students will be registered for both Home Renovation (technology education course) and Applied Mathematics as part of Mathematics in Home Renovation. Fulfills the core math requirement.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Higher Algebra

Mathematics in Home Renovation will allow students to experience a hands-on approach to real world mathematical problems in functions, statistics, and geometry. This offering includes a core mathematics class with graduation credit upon successful completion.

*Please note that as of May 2022, the NCAA has not sanctioned this class as NCAA eligible*

Read More about Mathematics in Home Renovation

Course: #6060
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit
Prerequisites: None

This sculpture course will emphasize the artistic creation with the technical instruction using metal and other mediums.

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Metal Sculpture II

Course: #6061
Grade(s) offered: grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12 
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit
Prerequisites: Completion of Metal Sculpture I with a B- or better.

Course Description:  In this class, students will build upon what they have learned in Metal Sculpture I. Students will work on more advanced projects and refine their artistic design in a visual way. Students will be working in steel and other materials. Emphasis will be on refining their techniques, research and aesthetics. 

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Metals II Manufacturing

Course: #6436
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: .5 (single-semester course)
Prerequisites: Metals 1

This course focuses on precision metals manufacturing through lab activities using a wide variety of hot and cold metal forming and fabricating equipment.

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Metals III Engineering

Course: #6440
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: .5 (single-semester course)
Prerequisites: Metals II

Students will experience advanced applications of precision manufacturing using a variety of materials and processes. Students will have the latest precision manufacturing technology available to use. 

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Meteorology (MOMENTUM)

Course: #M7200
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11 or Grade 12
Credits: .5 (single semester course); part of MOMENTUM course 

This course is offered as part of the MOMENTUM Flight Training and Global Commerce track. For details about taking Meteorology through MOMENTUM, visit the MOMENTUM page of the Skipper Log.

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Money, Banking and Investing

Course: #6110  
Tonka Online Course: #T6110     
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: None

Money, Banking and Investing is an essential course for students interested in developing skills that will positively impact their financial future.

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Multimedia Communications (VANTAGE)

Course: #V600
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 2.0

  • Video Production (1.0 Arts credit)
  • Digital Journalism and Investigative Research (1.0 English credit)

Prerequisites: Interest in digital media and telling stories that matter

Students learn about journalistic video production by working on a variety projects including writing memoirs, public service announcements, promotional videos for outside organizations, and podcasts.

Read More about Multimedia Communications (VANTAGE)
Multivariable Calculus

Course: #4048, S1
Course: #4050, S2
Grades Offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Students who successfully complete the course with a C- or better and follow the proper steps may be eligible to earn dual credit through a local community college.
Prerequisites: AP Calculus BC Semester 1 and 2; Passing score of 3, 4 or 5 on the AP BC exam or IB Mathematics AA HL Year 2

This third semester college calculus course includes differential and integral calculus in two or more variables.

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Music Technology

Course: #6654
Tonka Online Course: #T6654
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit     
Prerequisites: Interest in music composition

In this project-based course, students will explore music composition using Digital Audio Workstations, looping software, MIDI and live audio recording.

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Music Theory I

Course: #6652
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit    
Prerequisites: Interest in music    

Music Theory 1 is a one-term class designed for students who want to develop and increase skills in reading, writing, listening and analyzing music. This class will introduce students to the elements of music such as: melody, harmony, rhythm, form expression, and the texture of sounds.

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Brain stock photo

Tonka Online Course: #T3023
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: None

Neuroscience is a semester-long evidence-based science elective which covers how the human brain works in relation to cognition, memory, and learning.

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Orchestra 9

Course: #6624, S1
Course: #6626, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Completion of both courses fulfills the Arts required credit  
Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of 8th grade orchestra or consent of instructor

Students who accept a position in Orchestra 9 commit to a full year of participation. Throughout the year, students will study a variety of repertoire covering several different musical styles.

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Orchestra 9 Honors

Course: #6628, S1
Course: #6630, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10
Credits: .5 (per semester)
Completion of both courses fulfills the Arts required credit
Prerequisite: Audition

Students who accept a position in Orchestra 9 Honors commit to a full year of participation. Throughout the year, students will study a variety of repertoire covering several different musical styles.

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Painting I

Course: #6008  
Grade(s) offered: grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit 
Prerequisites: Drawing I strongly recommended

Students will be introduced to basics of painting through exploration of acrylics, watercolors, color theory, painting genres, and a variety of painting techniques.

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Painting II

Course: #6010 
Grade(s) offered: grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12  
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit    
Prerequisites: Completion of Painting I with a B- or better

In Painting II more attention is placed on technical excellence and experimenting with different painting mediums. Students are assisted in developing more personalized paintings.

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Painting III

Course: #6012  
Grade(s) offered: grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit 
Prerequisites: Completion of Painting II with a B- or better
This course may be repeated for further study with teacher approval.

Painting III is for the highly motivated art student looking to produce a portfolio of work based on personalized research.

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Peak Performance B

Course: #6718
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12 
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: No prerequisite, students need both an A and B Physical Education course to meet graduation requirements.

Peak Performance B is designed to provide students with an opportunity to strength-train using the Pagel Center weight room facility.

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Personal Financial Management

Course: #6108
Tonka Online Course: #T6108 or #T6108S (Summer)
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course fulfills the Personal Finance credit requirement
Prerequisites: None

Personal Financial Management is an essential life-skills class that focuses on money management and financial planning considerations that impact the future financial success of all students.

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Course: #3028, S1
Course: #3030, S2
Tonka Online Course: #T3028 and  #T3030
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)

Practical applications are used to explore topics in optics, wave motion, mechanics, energy, and electricity.

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Physics of Home Renovation

Course: #M3036, S1 (physics)
Course: #M3038, S2 (physics)
Course: #M6450, S1 (renovation)
Course: #M6452, S2 (renovation)
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: .5 (per semester, full-year course, two hours) 
Students will be registered for both Home Renovation (technology education course) and Applied Physics (science course) as part of Physics in Home Renovation. Fulfills the Physics science requirement.
Prerequisites: None

Hands-on course designed to give a working conceptual view of the Trades Industry. Modern Physics/Home Renovation concepts will be taught by incorporating the key principles of physics through the lens of design with a focus on project-based assessments.

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Power and Energy I

Course: #6430
Grade(s) offered: 9-12
Credits: .5 (per semester)
Prerequisites: None

ATVs, dirt bikes, go-karts, lawn mowers, and mini bikes: if you use any of these, then you should be in this course. In the power part of the course, each student completely disassembles and reassembles a a small 4 stroke/cycle school engine while learning the systems that make an engine work.

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Power and Energy II

Course: #6432
Grade(s) offered: 10-12
Credits: .5 (per semester)
Prerequisites: Power and Energy I

The first small engines course provided students with the basics of small 4-stroke/cycle operation, systems trouble-shooting and overhaul.

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Pre-AP Biology

Tonka Online Course: #T7204S, summer only
Grade(s) offered: grade 10, grade 11, grade 12   
Credits: 0.5 (summer course)
This course completes .5 toward an elective credit. 
Prerequisites: Students should be registered for AP Biology in the fall; optional course for preceding summer.

This course does not count toward the state graduation requirement of 3.0 credits of science.

Students in this summer course will complete online study and engage in learning activities to prepare for the rigor and pace of Advanced Placement (AP) Biology.

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Pre-AP Calculus

Tonka Online Course: #T7206S, summer only
Grade(s) offered: grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (summer course)
Prerequisites: Completion of Precalculus

This course does not count toward the state graduation requirement of 3.0 credits of math.

A half-credit summer online course focused on learning essential introductory calculus skills and concepts. 

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Pre-AP Chemistry

Tonka Online Course: #T7202S, summer only
Grade(s) offered: grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12   
Credits: 0.5 (summer course)
This course completes .5 toward an elective credit. 
Prerequisites: Students should be registered for AP Chemistry in the fall; optional course for preceding summer.

This course does not count toward the state graduation requirement of 3.0 credits of science.

This course includes essential chemistry skills and includes support for the AP Chemistry summer assignment. The overall goal is to provide a pathway for prospective AP Chemistry students to solidify a strong chemistry foundation as they transition to college level coursework.

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Pre-AP Statistics: Functions, Statistics & Trigonometry

Tonka Online Course: #T7208S, summer only
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (summer course)
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Higher Algebra or Higher Algebra Honors

This course does count toward the state graduation requirement of 3.0 credits of math.

A half-credit summer online course focused on reviewing statistical analysis skills in preparation for the AP Statistics course.

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Course: #4032, S1
Course: #4034, S2
Online Option: #T4032* part 1, Tonka Online 
*Select term F=fall, W=winter, , S=Summer
Online Option: #T4034* part 2, Tonka Online 
*Select term F=fall, W=winter, , S=Summer
*Online, complete part 1 before part 2.
Grade(s) offered: grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: B+ or better in Higher Algebra or B or better in Higher Algebra Honors or Functions, Stats & Trig or FST

This course is an advanced study of functions, graphs, and trigonometry intended to prepare students for the study of Calculus.

Read More about Precalculus
Precalculus Honors

Course: #4036, S1
Course: #4038, S2
Online Option: #T4036*, part 1, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
Online Option: #T4038*, part 2, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
*Online, complete part 1 before part 2.
Grade(s) offered:
 Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: A in Higher Algebra or B+ or better in Higher Algebra Honors

This course is for students who have a strong interest in advanced math. In this course, students study precalculus which has a strong emphasis on functions and trigonometry.

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Precalculus Prep: Functions, Statistics & Trigonometry

Tonka Online Course: #T7210S, summer only
Grade(s) offered: grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (summer course)
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Higher Algebra or Higher Algebra Honors

This course does count toward the state graduation requirement of 3.0 credits of math.

A half-credit summer course to prepare students for precalculus after completion of higher algebra.

Read More about Precalculus Prep: Functions, Statistics & Trigonometry
Principles of Biology

Course: #3040, S1
Course: #3042, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Chemistry is strongly recommended. Teacher recommendation is necessary to register for this course. 

Principles of Biology examines the relationship of humans as organisms to the physical and biotic environment and some internal systems of humans.

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Principles of Chemistry

Course: #3008, S1
Course: #3010, S2    
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Earth Science or Earth Science Honors. Teacher recommendation is necessary to register for this course. 

This course is designed for students to learn the basic principles and real-world applications of chemistry in a simplified college preparatory class.

Read More about Principles of Chemistry
Principles of Physics

Course: #3032, S1
Course: #3034, S2    
Grade(s) offered: 
Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Quadratic Algebra. Teacher recommendation is necessary to register for this course. 

Principles of Physics is a year-long course that uses a conceptual understanding of physics to describe, predict, and interact with the world around us.

Read More about Principles of Physics
Principles of U.S. Government and Politics

Tonka Online Course: T2099*, Tonka Online (W=winter, S=summer)
Grade(s) offered: grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: This course can be requested by contacting your student's counselor.  Students are not able to request the course in Skyward.

This online course is designed to meet the needs of students seeking credit for the completion of U.S. government and politics standards that are required for graduation.

Read More about Principles of U.S. Government and Politics

Course: #2018   
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: None
*This course does not fulfill your 3.5 credits in Social Studies but may be taken as an elective in addition to your required coursework.

Psychology is the study of behavior and mental process. Topics include the brain’s influence/control of everyday activity, sleep and dreams, human development, learning and thinking, psychological disorders, relationships, and the influence of social settings on behavior.

Read More about Psychology*
Capitol Building

Course: #V700
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
MHS Credits: 2.0

  • AP Seminar (1.0 English credit - weighted)
  • CIS Political Science 1001: American Democracy in a Changing World (1.0 social studies credit - weighted)

College credits: 3.0

  • CIS Political Science 1001: American Democracy in a Changing World (3.0 University of Minnesota credits)

Prerequisites: Interest in how public policy is formulated.

This VANTAGE strand creates an opportunity for students to explore the world of public policy formulation through coursework, projects, mentoring, guest instruction, and site visits. Students utilize critical thinking and problem-solving skills to evaluate complex public policy questions while tackling challenging coursework in English and social studies. 

Read More about Public Policy (VANTAGE)
Quadratic Algebra

Course: #4004, S1
Course: #4006, S2
Online Option: #T4004* part 1, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
Online Option: #T4006* part 2, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
*Online, complete part 1 before part 2.
Grade(s) offered:
 grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: C or better in Algebra of Lines

This course is equivalent to a first year Algebra course plus additional emphasis on quadratic relationships.

Read More about Quadratic Algebra
Relationships and Teen Life (RTL)

Course: #6318
Tonka Online Course: #T6318
Grade(s) offered: grade 11, grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: None

Relationships and Teen Life (RTL) will help students develop skills in the area of interpersonal relationships and family life. Students will learn to identify healthy relationships and the strategies used to create and maintain them in all realms of life across the lifespan; including friendships, dating, partnership or marriage, workforce and more. 

Read More about Relationships and Teen Life (RTL)
Science and Math Support

Course: #7104, S1
Course: #7106, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12 
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: English is not student’s first language. Qualifying test score on the WIDA Screener or ACCESS for ELs.

This class offers students additional instruction and language support in the areas of math and science to help students access the content knowledge while learning English.

Read More about Science and Math Support

Course: #2020    
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: None    
*This course does not fulfill your 3.5 credits in Social Studies but may be taken as an elective in addition to your required coursework.

Sociology is the study of humans and their behavior in groups. Through readings, individual research, speakers, discussions, and audiovisual presentations, students will study culture, change, relationships, socialization, and social organization.

Read More about Sociology*
Spanish Film and Culture

Tonka Online Course: #T5499
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: K-8 enrollment in Spanish Immersion 

This Tonka Online course will help students further develop their language skills by studying, watching and analyzing films from the Spanish-speaking world.

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Spanish Film and Culture

Course: #IM240
Grades Offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: K-8 enrollment in Spanish Immersion

This course will offer help students further develop their language skills by studying, watching and analyzing films from the Spanish-speaking world.

Read More about Spanish Film and Culture
Spanish I

Course: #5400, S1
Course: #5402, S2
Online Option: #T5400*, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall
Online Option: #T5402*, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, W=winter
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12   
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: None    

In Spanish I, students will make connections to their lives and to the products, practices, and perspectives of Spanish-speaking cultures

Read More about Spanish I
Spanish II

Course: #5404, S1
Course: #5406, S2
Tonka Online Course: #T5404F, #T5406W 
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Spanish I

In Spanish II, students will add commands and the past tense to their language, and make connections to their lives and to the products, practices, and perspectives of Spanish-speaking cultures through a study of a variety of topics.

Read More about Spanish II
Spanish II Honors

Course: #5420, S1
Course: #5422, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Spanish I

In Spanish II Honors, students will make connections to their lives and to the products, practices, and perspectives of Spanish-speaking cultures through a study of a variety of topics.

Read More about Spanish II Honors
Spanish III

Course: #5408, S1
Course: #5410, S2
Tonka Online Course: #T5408F, #T5410W    
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Spanish II or Spanish II Honors

In Spanish 3, students will make connections to their lives and to the products, practices, and perspectives of Spanish-speaking cultures through a study of a variety of topics.

Read More about Spanish III
Spanish III Honors

Course: #5424, S1
Course: #5426, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Spanish II Honors

In Spanish III Honors, students will make connections to their lives and to the products, practices, and perspectives of Spanish-speaking cultures.

Read More about Spanish III Honors
Spanish IV

Course: #5412, S1
Course: #5414, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Spanish III or Spanish III Honors

In Spanish IV, students will make connections to their lives and to the products, practices, and perspectives of Spanish-speaking cultures through a study of a variety of topics.

Read More about Spanish IV
Spanish V

Course: #5416, S1
Course: #5418, S2
Online Option: #T5416F, part 1
Online Option: #T5418W, part 2
*Online, complete part 1 before part 2       
Grade(s) offered: Grade 12  
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: IB Spanish SL or Spanish IV

In Spanish V, students will make connections to their lives and to the products, practices, and perspectives of Spanish-speaking cultures.

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Speech Hybrid

Course: #1040    
Grade(s) offered: Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: Any English 11 Course

Students will get a chance in this course to refine their public speaking skills in front of their peers. The speeches assigned entail a variety of delivery modes and purposes. Students will practice listening skills, develop logical arguments and understand the relationship between nonverbal, interpersonal and small group communication. Additionally, students will evaluate the text and delivery of famous speeches to understand the craft of public speaking. 

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Sports & Entertainment Marketing and Management

Course: #6112   
Tonka Online Course:
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: None 

Curious about career opportunities in the field of sports or entertainment? Don't just learn about these opportunities, become a part of the action! As we explore principles of marketing and management, students will be applying their learning through a semester-long partnership with the Activities Office right here at MHS.

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Sports Fit A

Course: #6702
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Physical Education credit. 
Prerequisites: None

The emphasis in Sports Fit A is on sport activities while incorporating cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility concepts.

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Course: #4040, S1
Course: #4042, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Higher Algebra (C or better)

This is a course involves guided application of the study of statistics including: experimental design, data analysis, and methods of inference.

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Strength Fit A

Course: #6704
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Physical Education credit.    
Prerequisites: None

Strength Fit will provide students the opportunity to learn the most comprehensive progressive resistance exercise methodologies and evidence-based strength training principles.

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Symphonic Band

Course: #6608, S1
Course: #6610, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Completion of both courses fulfills the Arts required credit
Prerequisites: Audition

Students who accept a position in Symphonic Band commit to a full year of participation. A variety of music will be studied and performed in a concert each term.

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Symphony Orchestra

Course: #6616, S1
Course: #6618, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Completion of both courses fulfills the Arts required credit  
Prerequisites:  Audition

Students who accept a position in Symphony Orchestra commit to a full year of participation. They will work on more advanced repertoire and continue to improve higher-level musical skills including, but not limited to, ear training, music theory, solo/small ensemble performances, and musical interpretation.

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Team and Dual Sports B

Course: #6708
Grade(s) Offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Physical Education credit. 
Prerequisites: No prerequisite, students need both an A and B Physical Education course to meet graduation requirements.

This curriculum is designed to enhance students’ interest in a variety of lifetime sports and fitness activities.

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The Mix A

Course: #6700
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Physical Education credit.     
Prerequisites: None 

The emphasis in The Mix A is getting a variety of fitness activities while incorporating strength, flexibility, mindful meditation, and sport concepts.

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The Mix B

Course: #6712
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12 
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: No prerequisite, students need both an A and B Physical Education course to meet graduation requirements.

This course offers students an opportunity to participate and enjoy the benefits of fitness- and cardio-based activities.

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Theater Arts (Inclusive)

Course: #1050
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course fulfills the Arts credit requirement.
Prerequisites: None

Theater Arts is a semester-long course designed for students who are passionate about theater and want to be part of an intentionally inclusive community with peers who have developmental and cognitive disabilities.

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Theater I

Course: #1052
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit. 
Prerequisites: None

This course introduces actors to basic acting techniques of the theater, including improvisation, character analysis and development, monologue preparation, and scene preparation.

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Theater II

Course: #1054
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit    
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit. 
Prerequisites: Theater 1 or permission of instructor

This course focuses on advanced acting technique and allows the student to expand on his/her acting skills and expertise.

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TO Immersion Abroad: Chile

Course: #T5490
Grades Offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (second-semester course, summer travel abroad and project)
Prerequisites: K-10 Spanish Immersion

This study abroad course is for immersion students who will be traveling to Chile with the school group*.  The online course offers students the opportunity to continue their immersion program experience in the spring semester, and then explore Chilean culture in depth when we travel to our sister school in Concepción, Chile.

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Tonka Treble Choir

Course: #6644, S1
Course: #6646, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Completion of both courses fulfills the Arts required credit  
Prerequisites: Audition

Students who accept a position in Tonka Treble Choir commit to a full year of participation. This group is open to women in grades 10-12 who are advanced in vocal skill and musicianship.

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Transportation Careers and Global Commerce

Course: M6499
Course: M2016
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: .5 Social Studies, .5 Elective 
Students will be registered for both Automotive Career Investigation (technology education course) and Global Studies and Economics (social studies course) as part of Transportation Careers and Global Commerce.
Prerequisites: None

This co-taught strand of two courses covers the global economic impact of transportation with a particular emphasis on the automobile. 

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Course: #6640, S1
Course: #6642, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Completion of both courses fulfills the Arts required credit  
Prerequisites: Voice check with instructor

Students who accept a position in Troubadours (grades 9–12) commit to a full year of participation.

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Integrated Physical Education

Course: #6720
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Physical Education credit or an elective credit..
Prerequisites: No prerequisite, students need both an A and B Physical Education course to meet graduation requirements. Teacher recommendation needed to enroll.

Application Form: An application form is required before registering for this course; fill it out here.

Unified Physical Education is peer partner class for students with and without disabilities. In this class, you'll have the opportunity to put inclusion in action on a daily basis...and get active at the same time!

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VANTAGE Computer Science (VANTAGE)

Course: #V500
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 2.0

  • AP Computer Science Principles (1.0 computer science elective credit - weighted)
  • Digital Interface Design (1.0 art credit) 

Prerequisites: Interest in how applications and websites are designed and developed.

Develop skills in creative problem-solving, innovation, and human-centered design. Design and develop mobile apps and websites through the VANTAGE experience.

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Course: #V400
Grades Offered: Grade 11, Grade 12
MHS Credits: 2.0

  • CIS Public Speaking (1.0 English credit - weighted)
  • CIS Exploring the Teaching Profession (1.0 FACS elective credit - weighted)

College Credits: 5.0 

  • CIS Public Speaking (3.0 University of Minnesota Duluth credits)
  • CIS Exploring the Teaching Profession (2.0 credits University of Minnesota credits)

Prerequisites: This course is for any student who has ever thought about becoming a teacher. It provides a deep look into the realm of teaching as a career exploration.

Students will investigate all aspects of the education profession, including teaching, paraprofessional roles, and education administration.

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VANTAGE Fashion (VANTAGE) - NEW FOR 2025-26

Course: #V630
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12 
Credits: 2.0

  • Fashion Design I & II (1.0 Arts credit)
    This course completes 1.0 toward the Arts credit
  • Global Studies and Economics (1.0 Social Studies credit) 

Prerequisites: Interest in fashion design and the global fashion industry

VANTAGE Fashion combines creative design with global business understanding. Students explore fashion's dynamic world through artistic and economic lenses. Students develop technical fashion design skills while analyzing global markets, supply chains, and economic forces that shape the industry. Working with fashion industry professionals, students learn design principles, textile science, and industry-standard practices for fashion design and production. Additionally, students examine global economic systems, cultural influences, and sustainability in fashion. They create original designs while studying international markets, trade relationships, and the financial impacts of the fashion industry.

Read More about VANTAGE Fashion (VANTAGE) - NEW FOR 2025-26
Video Game Design

Course: #6508
Online Option: #T6508
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: None

In this project-based course, students will develop working computer games using Construct 3. Students are introduced to the fundamental principles of game design and development.

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Video Production I

Course: #6046
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12  
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course) 
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit       
Prerequisites: None

Students will learn writing, editing, and producing video projects. Projects range from commercials to short films. Focus on Final Cut Pro X and camera shots.

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Video Production II

Course: #6048
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit  
Prerequisites: Completion of Video Production I with a B- or better

Students will work on advanced video projects. Projects range from surreal to short films. Focus on Final Cut Pro X and finding individual style.

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Video Production III

Course: #6050  
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit     
Prerequisites: Completion of Video Production II with a B- or better
This course may be repeated for further study with teacher approval.

Students will produce professional video projects. Focus on Final Cut Pro X and finding an individual style. Students will build a digital portfolio.

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Virtual Enterprise

Course: #6114, S1
Course: #6115, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11, Grade 12    
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: None

Students develop essential leadership, professional, functional, and core technology skills through VE’s hands-on, immersive, work-based learning experiences.

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Web Design

Tonka Online Course: #T6506     
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course) 
Prerequisites: None

Web Design is a one-semester, project-based curriculum that teaches digital communication skills in the context of the professional web design and development process.

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Wellness Program B

Tonka Online Course: #T6799*, Tonka Online 
*Select term S=summer, F=fall, W=winter
Grade(s) offered: grade 11, grade 12 (9th and 10th graders can take Tonka Online PE Courses over the summer or as an additional 7th hour course, with counselor approval, for an additional fee)
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Physical Education credit. 
Prerequisites: One Fitness A course. Fees apply for summer.

Online Wellness creates an opportunity for students to extend their learning around a school-sponsored sport or lifetime fitness activity outside of school.

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Wind Ensemble

Course: #6612, S1
Course: #6614, S2
Grade(s) offered: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Completion of both courses fulfills the Arts required credit  
Prerequisites: Audition

Students who accept a position in Wind Ensemble commit to a full year of participation. A variety of music will be studied and performed in a concert each term.

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Course: #6446
Grade(s) offered: 9-12
Credits: .5 (per semester)
Prerequisites: None

Students will learn how to safely use woodworking power equipment while initially making teacher-designed projects.

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World History

Course: #2012, S1
Course: #2014, S2
Online Option: T2012F, part 1, Tonka Online
Online Option:T2014W, part 2, Tonka Online
Grade(s) offered: Grade 11 
Credits: 0.5 (per semester, full-year course)
Prerequisites: Contemporary U.S. History; AP U.S. History; American Studies 10 Honors

This course concentrates on the historical and geographic themes of the world from Early Civilizations through the Modern World.

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Yearbook I

Course: #1046    
Grade(s) offered: 
Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
Prerequisites: Application, interview and teacher recommendations

In Yearbook I, students learn how to gather information for pages, photograph activities and events, conduct interviews, write copy, and design page layouts.

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Yearbook II

Course: #1048 
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Arts credit. 
Prerequisites: Yearbook I 

Students practice the elements of art and the principles of design as they apply to yearbook production.

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Yoga Fit A

Course: #6706
Tonka Online Course: #T6706
Grade(s) offered: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
(9th and 10th graders can take Tonka Online PE Courses as an additional 7th hour course, with counselor approval, for an additional fee)
Credits: 0.5 (single semester course)
This course completes .5 towards the Physical Education credit. 
Prerequisites: No prerequisite, students need both an A and B Physical Education course to meet graduation requirements.    

The emphasis in Yoga Fit is on flexibility fitness while incorporating cardiovascular, strength, and mindful practices.

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Illustration of Minnetonka High School