Kindergarten students enjoy riding the big yellow school bus with the “big kids” before and after school. School buses transport students within a school attendance area to and from the bus stop nearest their home address. An alternate stop may be arranged for day care or a second household. Parents requiring daycare or a second household will need to submit an “Annual Request For Daycare/Alternate Transportation” form.
Bus stops in your neighborhood have been established to serve all children. Stops generally have been in place for many years and proven to be safe and accessible. Parental assistance is needed and appreciated at all bus stops.
Open-enrolled students are eligible to ride the bus from any stop located within the school attendance area. Families requesting transportation from an existing stop will need to submit an “Annual Request For Alternate Transportation” form. Some open enrollment families privately contract for bus service outside of the District boundaries. Families or neighborhoods work directly with First Student Transportation for private contracts.
Bus Fee for Students
Minnesota state law requires the District to provide transportation services to all students who live outside a two-mile distance from their school. For children who live within the two-mile boundary, there is a fee for bus service. The driving distance is measured using the District’s bus routing computer program. The bus fee is $100 per child with a $250 maximum per family. If your home is within the two-mile area, you will be sent a notice in spring following registration. Bus passes are mailed in August.
Transportation registration forms and information may be found on our Transportation web page.
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