Each elementary school houses both an English program and a Language Immersion program, which provides an opportunity for English speaking children to become fluent in a second language. Four of our schools offer Spanish Immersion and two offer Chinese Immersion. Families select either the Language Immersion or English program beginning in Kindergarten. About half of our families select English and half select Spanish or Chinese. Students who enter after kindergarten may only enroll in the English program. An after school world language class is offered at each school and is open to students enrolled in our English program. Our unique school-within-a-school program brings a rich bilingual culture to each of our schools and enhances the global awareness of all students.
During elementary school in Minnetonka, children also have instruction in:
- Language Arts
- Science
- Social Studies
- Mathematics
- Art
- Computer Coding
- Health
- Media and Technology
- Music, Band, Choir, Orchestra
- Physical Education
Each subject covers standards-based content with an emphasis on cultivating student’s 21st Century skills such as creativity, collaboration, communication, critical thinking and innovation.
Differentiated learning is important to personalizing education and meeting children “where they are” to help them achieve the next level. All our classroom teachers use a variety of approaches to respond to the individual learning needs, interests and readiness of students.
Enrichment activities are offered before and after school, and all students are encouraged to participate. Some activities last a few weeks, while others last the whole year. Getting involved is not only a great way to make friends, but develops a foundation for middle school and high school activities. Research shows that older students who are involved in school activities outside of the classroom perform better in school.
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Academic Standards
Minnetonka Public Schools adheres to academic standards developed by the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE).