ECSE Services

The following descriptions are a sample of program offerings. Each spring, specific programs are designed for the following school year based on the needs of the children receiving Early Childhood Special Education services. Thus, specific classroom designs for particular age groups may change from year to year. Our program provides a continuum of service models with our ultimate goal of having our students participate with community peers whenever possible and to provide quality early intervention services so that they can successfully enter our Minnetonka Public Schools kindergarten program when they reach age eligibility.
Birth to Age Two
Birth Through Two services for children under age three are typically provided in the home, but may also involve other natural environments such as childcare.
Our birth through two service providers are trained in and provide early intervention services using the Family-Guided Routines Based Intervention (FGRBI) model. This evidence-based practice recognizes that parents/caregivers are their child’s primary teachers. FGRBI is a systematic approach to embed intervention consistently by all family members and service providers throughout the day rather than in individual, isolated therapy sessions.
Routines are functional features of daily living that offer opportunities to teach and practice meaningful skills in settings and situations as they are needed. To ensure that the team is addressing the family’s priorities and their child’s needs during the Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) development process the family guides the selection of desired outcomes which are targeted for intervention.
Three to Kindergarten
Three to Kindergarten services may include one or a combination of the following:
- Consultation to parents and staff at the child’s current early childhood setting.
- 1:1 or small group instruction to address the needs identified during the evaluation process.
- Special Education only classroom for children who require small group instruction with low staff to student ratios.
- Inclusive early childhood classroom with support by special education paraprofessionals and licensed staff.